growing 12/12 in 22 gallon totes


Active Member
hey guys im jus lookin 4 some info on something i read online...i saw this guy grow like 20 beautiful girls in 1 tote like the rubber made laundry totes ...ive bout three 22 gallon totes and theyre really large ..i could defanately fit 30 or more girls in just 1 tote...the problem is ...when i 1st started growing i read online that if you planted 2 + seeds in 1 container the roots would conflict for nutrients and kill the crop is this true or could this grow be efficient enough to get 14 grams dry per plant in?


Active Member
you wanna make sure all your girls have room man Packing 20 plants in might just yeild you the same as doing 4 bigger healthier plants...PEACE


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put more than two in one, are you growing inside? The root issue is a problem if you are trying to separate them from my understanding... 14 per plant isn't out of the question fill us in on conditions lighting soil nuts strain and we can be more helpful... Deff lst tho if you want to use one pot

token tony

Yeah man i wouldn't advise you do that. I grow single plant's in 20 gal tote's and sometime's pull over a lb apiece. All them plant's will probably end up rootbound. Your much better of using single pots even if they have to be small.


Active Member
im using 2 600 watt hps with light movers miracle grow soil ( i like miracle grow better it works fine for me every time) the strain is sleestack skunk and i plan on growing indoors but before i waste good skunk i have tons of bagseed to test this on...and like i said i literally saw this one guy put 20 clones in a 20 gallon tote and followed his grow they were beauties from beginning to end. only difference is i have bigger totes and he grew his outdoors and im growing indoors and i wanna go 12/12 from seed...i mean theyre not gonna get that big from 12/12 from seed right?

token tony

well if you seen it done ,and think you can do the same, then good luck. It would just suck to have some good plant's turn to shit.


Active Member
i figured it out!!! i can just plant them ...go fromm 12/12 and by week 4 or 5 pull them up gentl break up the roots and repot them in new soil...that way they would only have three 4 more weeks left anyway so it would be impoosible to rootbound...i know it would work ...ill just have to take extra steps
Hey man if you got bagseed to kill i say go for it only one way to put it to the ultimate test... do it yourself! :-P I got to ask what is the advantage of one tote? Why not just one gallon containers? Technically you would use less soil.. why so hip on the one tote?


Active Member
because im not gonna use one tote im gonna use 6 totes and pack them 20 to 30 seeds per tote and focus on top colas and shoot for an ounce a piece ...times 120 to 180 babies not taking up too much space is suuuuuper valubale for me!! know what i mean


Active Member
how good is your seed stock, i would much rather have 8 1lb plants than 120 little fuckers, imma keep 10 - 20 in my 1 quart and 3 gal bags, but if your shooting for SOG your getting closer
I get what your trying to do now, if i was you i would leave them alone if you are goin to do it pulling them up will cause alot of stress on them running risk of herms or something else plus i dont know if new soil will keep them from being rootbound? I think that is just to do with the area of the roots growing you would just need a bigger space for the roots to grow not new soil. I dont know cause i never seen anything like that so im goin to be watchin for sure but only one way to find out! Good luck man :leaf:


Well-Known Member
because im not gonna use one tote im gonna use 6 totes and pack them 20 to 30 seeds per tote and focus on top colas and shoot for an ounce a piece ...times 120 to 180 babies not taking up too much space is suuuuuper valubale for me!! know what i mean
Come back with pics and proof.


Active Member
ok guys here are my babies up at 3 weeks bout to put in flower in 2 days ..lets see does this work and whats the finishing wieght if it doesnt work these are all bagseed so to hell with it!!!!! ill follow up with pics whenever i drive out to my secret grow area IMG_20130211_112720.jpgIMG_20130211_112657.jpg


Active Member
heres an update on my experiment....its 2nd week flower looking good dealing with cfls i burned two of them a little but nothing major.....about to add 9 new bulbs because they are huge...i have my work cut out for me when i prune and start trimmimng down the males so the females can have more light...maybe ill hit my goal maybe i wont but so far so good IMG_20130224_134338.jpgIMG_20130224_134345.jpgIMG_20130224_134405.jpg


Active Member
just forget the tote thought, i youre gonna be repotting them anyways, why bother with the tote
i figured it out!!! i can just plant them ...go fromm 12/12 and by week 4 or 5 pull them up gentl break up the roots and repot them in new soil...that way they would only have three 4 more weeks left anyway so it would be impoosible to rootbound...i know it would work ...ill just have to take extra steps


Well-Known Member
i figured it out!!! i can just plant them ...go fromm 12/12 and by week 4 or 5 pull them up gentl break up the roots and repot them in new soil...that way they would only have three 4 more weeks left anyway so it would be impoosible to rootbound...i know it would work ...ill just have to take extra steps
I will assume you've done this with embedded roots before, and know the proper technique for working with something completely rootbound so you don't kill the plants? 'breaking up the roots' is a very bad idea without knowing exactly how fragile they are as you start to work through the entangled mess (see: migraine and 4-6 hours of time).. and then you get to the fun part of root pruning (which is a whole other subject, and I could write a 30 page book on).. after all that, you then hope you didn't over-do it, and stunt growth or murder them. Easier to start them off separate, unless you just can't help it.

Just my .02,
