Growing 6 AK47's via DWC, what specs should I use for equipment?

Chowder Head

Active Member
Hey guys, first time grower here looking to get some quick help before I take the plunge and purchase some things tomorrow.

Like the title says, I'll be growing some AK47. And by specs I mean what size reservoir do I need, what size pump in terms of g/ph, how big of an air stone, what size net pots, what wattage for HPS during the flowering stage, and so on. I'd appreciate any advice on these beacuse I have not a clue.

I was originally thinking having two DWC setups, both encasing 6 plants each. One DWC for the vegetative grow and one DWC for the flowering period. Given the smaller statue of the AK47, would 6 AK plants in a 20 gallon Rubbermaid reservoir be good? Or would this be too small?

Last question. Is it possible to use one pump for 2 set ups or is it best to use 1 pump per DWC?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys. And of course, I'll be making my own grow journal when I get this going. :)
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Chowder Head

Active Member

And on second thought, I might just do 4 or 5 plants for flowering. I mean, wouldn't the plants simply get too big and too crowed if I were to bud 6 plants together like that?


Active Member
I'll tell you, just from my experience, Ak -47 is a high energy plant, it requires alot of light ( if you want it to produce like it should) it requires higher amounts of nutrients, and will completely fill any space you put it in, if you let it. If your using the DWC tub technique, prune the bottom halves, and spread the upper branches out, so you eliminate crowding, and increasing your surface area for optimum levels of light. Definately go with a minumum of a 600w HPS, or go for the gusto and get a 1000w (its only like 20 bucks more). You can do 6 plants in one tub, you just have to have the area available to spread them out, because yes they will crowd, and the branches and leaves that do not get adequate light will brown and die. As for the air pumps I have no experience with them so I cant really give any helpful advice, hope this helps!