Growing a mother under poor lighting


Active Member
I currently have a plant flowering in my closet, and I just got some seeds I want to plant, but don't want to wait until the flowering one is finished.

I was thinking of growing out a couple seeds in my window sill, maybe with a cfl added to make sure they don't start flowering (as much current plant did before I got lights to set up my closet). That way, I will have some mother plants plants I can clone when the closet is free.

Do you think this will speed up the process, rather than just waiting until the current one is finished and just plant seeds, rather than clones at that time?
How long should I wait before I take a clone from a plant?
And will clones taken from a plant grown in my window, which gets a moderate amount of light, have any troubles from the mother's lack of heavy lighting?


Active Member
How long does your mother plant that is flowering have left before it is ready for harvesting??


Active Member
Its sour diesel so its pretty slow. Its about 4 weeks in so I'm guessing another 7 weeks or so. Can I grow out seeds enough to take clones, put the clones in the 12/12 with the sour diesel, have them show sex all within 7 weeks?
With this method I can then clone my plants again as soon as the closet is free, and not have to worry about any males in the small space.


Active Member
Dont think you would have enough time to do all that in 7 weeks buddy...ya want ya mothers to be at least 6 weeks old before you start taking cuttings and then it takes about 2 weeks for your cuttings to root. If it was me i think i would just start your new seeds in about 5 weeks on your window ledge using your CFL and then when you harvest your mother pop them in the cupboard... if you have only got a small space to grow in it mite be better to start your plants from seed as takes up less room than cloning!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
you def need another grow space. it is obviously time to upgrade to a veg and flower cab. lol. wooooooo!

Look at something small if you dont want to go to tents or something similiar. What about those wardrboes where they are about three by three by 6 and people turn those into nice grow cahmbers.

Me, could not stand the precision needed for cupboards when it came to heat or the cramped feeling but I am not comercial. So i bought two 4x4x6 tents over time for veg and flower.
