Growing autos outside


Over the summer i plan to grow some autos outside. Im worried since that i read somewhere that autos are best under 18/6 light or even 24 hours, it might not yield as much being in the sun rather than being under constant lights. Where i live, the sun lasts from 8am to 7pm ish in the summer. Is this enough to yield decent amount of bud for an auto? Thanks


Well-Known Member
You could grow a female seed, clone it and just put them outside. If your sun is really only up from 8-7 that's only 11 hours. Normal seeds would flower during that time.


New Member
theyll be fine..the sun stays up in the summer around 14 hrs almost everywhere in the world (with the exception of some odd zones). the real difference is in the heat and intensity, how close to the equator the land is, but it shines equal amounts of time most places of the world (besides near top and bottem of globe, which are furthest away from the equator)

regardless, ruderalis is from a cold part of russia, your sun will produce nice autos, and a certain amount of weeks whenever you plant it. i would suggest planting later than a regular strain for most intense sun times.

look up your sun time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, now that I think about it the only place that would have 11 hours in the summer would be like south Africa or something way south in the southern hemisphere.


lol sorry guys i was kinda estimating how long the sun shines. Another quick question how long do the veg periods for autos normaly last?