Growing "close" to but not "on" my property???


Well-Known Member
My property abuts conservation land and I'm thinking of growing on it next season. If it was found anyone with any common sensi would know I was the grower. Would they need to prove it was mine to threaten my gun permit and put my house on the line?:shock:

Would proximity enough be sufficient to drop the axe on me or would they need more. There would be NO actual evidence that anyone could attribute to me or anything like that but just curious if I am dealing with a bigger risk than I have to. Probably no more than a dozen plants give or take a few. Thanks for the help buds...
You said it yourself " There would be NO actual evidence that anyone could attribute to me " without clearcut proof or you saying somethin dumb to a detective is going to get yourself caught. No one not a neigbor or anyone can see you walk out there like that and I'd go a step further and squeeze my feet into a size or two smaller no name brand boot so it wont be connected to you at all.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If there is a "trail" leading to your property, and you have ferts, or anything that ties your property to the grow thats enough in Ga. They will even mount "trail cams" to get the evidence. Be friggin' careful as hell. Don't think for a minute they won't use trail cams, and they are SLICK about it, too.
They will always look at the house in the closest proximity, or that has the easiest access to the grow.


Well-Known Member
They would need to catch you tending to the plants. If they have that , then your toast other than that you would be in the clear.