growing cocaplants


Well-Known Member
i was kidding about the chocolate.

However, im pretty sure that you need 1,000lbs' of BONE DRY leaves (from a plant that i think takes what like 3 years to mature?) to make just under one lb of Cocaine Base.

i doubt that any one using rollitup has the Land, equatorial homeland, or resources available to grow over 2,000 (average seasonal yield of dry coca leaves is only about 3/4-1oz per plant maybe less)

I used to have a few columbian friends when i was younger, and their family came here to escape the slave labor they use down there farming the coca plant. They told me the ins and outs of farming and processing the plant into cocaine base and trust me..........ill use the words they used "No white man would ever want to put the effort forth to grow and make cocaine"


Well-Known Member
just a few organic solvents to do the extraction and your good

Yes doing the extraction is very easy (And clean if you use the right shit).
However, getting the weight in plant material together to do any kind of extraction is a feat that i doubt anyone that is using the internet is going to embark on.
Sure you could grow a backyard full of coca plants and harvest all the leaves and do an extraction............but the amount of Cocaine Base that youre going to extract is going to be extremely minimal. Maybe one or 2 good "doses". Plus the fact that after you do the cocaine base extraction you then need to bind that base to a carrier. I bet most people would ruin their whole crop at this point.

And how long are cut coca leaves viable for? Id only have to assume not long because from what ive heard every single leaf that goes into the process of making cocaine base can not be older than one season (8 months or so).....or the benzoylmethylecgonine breaks down and all you have is a pile of tinder. Also, there is no public market value for Dried coca leaves in south america, all you ever see traded for consumption is fresh leaves. Thats gotta tell ya something.


Well-Known Member
hey im not saying you would get a few kilos im just sayin theoretically it can be done and quite easily given the space


Well-Known Member
hey im not saying you would get a few kilos im just sayin theoretically it can be done and quite easily given the space
Well yeah, but you can apply that same logic to every single plant species on earth.

The real question is, do the people on here (most of the people) have the mental, and horticultural capacity to actually get the seed to sprout let alone get a full mature plant. Bottom line is, No. Most people on here have no clue about anything. And often go against all advice given anyway, so its like a failure before it even starts lol.