Growing for around 4 months now


Active Member
I started it in plain soil and it sprouted but it didnt really start with the leaves until cpl months ago, now i think its startiing to sex and its still short and flimsy i just put it in some mir grow time release which is apparently a terrible thing to do and i have a 40 watt flouresent on it right above the tip and its starting to grow a few more leaves. Look im not a pro i just wanna see if it will grow bt i wouldnt mind some fucking buds even if they are super small i think it would be awesome to have tiny little buds but, I dont know if im wasting time or what!!?? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
nothin wrong with experimenting i guess I would get a couple more flouresent lights on that baby and flower it for 8 weeks and see what u get. make sure the plant is in complete darkness for 12 hours and lights on for 12hours.


Active Member
would the light of the tv bother it at all when its supposed to be dark ita across the room from the tv but i guess i can put it inthe closet and close the door if it bothers it


Well-Known Member
yes u can ... as long as it is a clone.. u can throw a clone into flowering after rooting for about 1-2 weeks.. i wouldnt flower a seedling (i read that flowering before maturity leads to low grade smoke).. but if a mother is grown to maturity ( theres a big word for this i cant remember, described as when the plant makes zig zags between nodes ), cuttings taken from it can be rooted then put directly into flowering


Well-Known Member
Hippie don't jack threads. And I tried to P.M. you back but you have that turned off.


Well-Known Member
Ive also heard about low grade smoke if flowered immediately,,,, bulsh1t,,, Ive tested this theory in grows with multiple plants, and all I can tell you is,, dont always beleive what you read,,, Im just telling you my experiences with this subject,, here is some seed to flower pics,,, EXCELLENT SMOKE....sorry pics wont download,, Ill keep tryin and get back to ya soon..


Well-Known Member
Ive also heard about low grade smoke if flowered immediately,,,, bulsh1t,,, Ive tested this theory in grows with multiple plants, and all I can tell you is,, dont always beleive what you read,,, Im just telling you my experiences with this subject,, here is some seed to flower pics,,, EXCELLENT SMOKE....sorry pics wont download,, Ill keep tryin and get back to ya soon..
You have successfully started a seed off under 12/12 and got a good harvest? PM me with details if so :D


Well-Known Member
So you took a seed and stuck it in some soil with the lights on 12/12, or at least 24/0 for a few days then 12/12, and grew it to great smoke? BS.


Well-Known Member
such an ass...... I put my seeds on a paper towel, on a dish, until they sprouted roots,, with me so far,,,, when the roots were about 1/4 to 1/2in. I put them in soil, which was immediately put in 12/12,, and yes Ive done this much more than once and had excellent results,,, so,, until you have done this why be an assh0le.... I swear I just dont understand people sometimes,, if you have a question, ask me dont be a d1ck about it, as Im here to learn and HELP....:peace: peace bro,, and If I took your last statement the wrong way,,,, as I am very high,,, Im very sorry,,,, If not f-you..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
typical,,,, kids love to hide behind a computer screen so they dont get their @sses kicked....:peace:bro,,, and again,, Im just here to learn and HELP OTHERS the best I can....:blsmoke:....


Active Member
thanks for the info guys this is all helpful im try ing to just make a lil plant for myself you know, so i think ill try that 12/12 straigt off the bat and see how it works


Well-Known Member
From seed to weed.
Smallish plants but definitely works.
I nute burnt all these though so i expect others can do better if they are careful.:blsmoke:
