Growing from A-Z!



In this section you will learn how a growing season pennant from start to finish. Most of the information is common to all situations, whether you grow outdoors or indoors. Cannabis plant life cycle can be divided into three phases: germitating stage, growing stage and flowering stage. When you grow indoors can decide when the plant will begin to flourish.

Temperatures and humidity

Cannabis grown best at a temperature of between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius when the lamp is on. A little variation works fine, but you should keep up-in 18-29 degrees. At night, the plant can survive at a lower temperature, but try to always keep it above 15 degrees. With the wrong temperature the plant will grow later and produce less THC. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the plants show signs of heat stress.

Cannabis Plants likes best with a relative humidity of 50-70% in the growth phase and 40-60% in the flowering stage. In winter, the indoor humidity may drop to 30% and lower. You can increase the humidity in the room by adding for example a bowl of water and a cloth in. It is also possible to spray the walls and the plant in growing stage. It is not wise to overdo this, the biggest risk of your plants is that the humidity can be too high. When the lights are switched off, the temperature will drop, causing the moisture increases. The effect is greatest for large plants in flowering stage. Although they have a suitable humidity of the day, the humidity be too high at night when the fan is shot off. Therefore, make sure to have a "exit fan" the entire day in the flowering phase of things. A relative humidity of over 70% gives great danger of mold and rot in your plants.

Germination of seeds

You can plant seeds directly in the medium they grow in, but the best is to germinate the seeds first. If you put the seeds directly in the soil may take several weeks before they germinate. Be careful not to damage the seedlings when you plant them in soil. Under the right conditions to germinate Cannabis usually within a few days.

The most common way to get seeds to germinate is to put them in a bowl of wet toilet paper / paper towel in the bottom and top. Pack the bowl and then into the plastic bag, so the paper does not dry out. The bowl with the seeds should be on a dark, warm place, the temperature should be around 25 degrees. The seeds will usually germinate in AV1-3 days.

Germination takes place as follows:

1) put wet paper on the plate.

2) Place the seeds on the damp paper.

3) Cover them with another layer damp paper.

4) Place another plate on top.

Let the seeds stand for 24 hours, and then see if they have sprouted. If not, you can let sit for a day. You can plant as soon as seedlings emerges. But it may be wise to wait until the seed is a little over half an inch. If you let the seed grow too long, it is easy to destroy it.

As an alternative you can use Jiffy-pots to the germination of seeds. The roots grow through the pots so that they can be planted directly into larger pots.

The seeds should be from a few millimeters to 1 cm below the soil, depending on the size of the embryo. The seed becomes the plant root system, the first leaves tucked under cold calling. Do not force the earth continued hard together, it makes it harder for the plant to come up. The seed should be like the seed comes out on top or side. When the embryo grows on down, it formed a slight bend in the embryo. This bend makes it easier for the seed to penetrate up through the earth, so that leaves can reach.

Growth phase

Once the seeds have germinated and it has been green leaf, it is time to put the plants in good growth lamp. The most energy-efficient light bulbs is to use the first two weeks, for and then switch to the HID lamp. Do you use fluorescent tubes or bulbs, so place the plants so close to the light source as possible, 2-4 cm is perfect. If you use HPS or MH from the start, you must be careful. Young plants can quickly react to the sharp light. Doubling the distance for 1 / 4 of the original light intensity. Place the light about 60-120 cm above the plants depending on how powerful the light is. Lower the light gradually to the recommended height as the plant matures. If you use a 400w lamp, the recommended height 30-40cm. Increase the height if it gets too hot.

The plants should have plenty of water the first 1-3 weeks. If you use 4 gallon pots, you should start watering with a half liter of water every 3-5 days depending on temperature. In the beginning you may want to irrigate when 2-4 cm of the top layer of soil is dry. As the plant is grown to allow it to dry out more between watering. How much water the plant will have varies from black to black. Experiment and find what works best for your plants.

Over watering is common in beginners. If you water too much can the leaves turn yellow and the stem and roots can rot and the plant may soon die. If you water too low will the leaves start to hang, but the plant usually tend to get fast again after watering.

Young cannabis plants (embryos) may have a different appearance. Sometimes open sprouts right away, other times the plant up with shell on. Shell tend to fall off after 1-3 days. The plants can be healthy and fast even if they do not quite resemble the photo.

"Creeping" unopened embryos.

Normal opening embryos

Embryos with cold calling.

Embryos in which seed shell has just fallen off.

Sometimes they grow the first leaf row quickly, other times it takes a bit longer.

Embryos without leaves.

The leaves begin to emerge.

After the first 2 weeks, the plants usually developed 2-3 sets of new leaves. The plants are about 10-20 cm tall, depending on the black and light conditions. The plants have now developed a good rotnett. The roots require almost as much space as the plant (above ground). If you started in small pots, it is now time to plant into larger pots. Now you have to let the plants dry out more between watering, but not so much that the plant starts to hang. Cannabis plant likes the soil dries out, so that the roots are taken up lots of oxygen ..

How long you will keep the plant growing fast depends on how many plants, how much space and light you have. If you use the 250 watt lamp can let the plants be 30-40 cm tall, with a 400 watt lamp fits with 40-60 cm. If you have access to many seeds, let the plants stand a little closer and rather put the plants in early bloom. It is possible to plant up to 2-3 plants in 10 liter pot, but the plants can not be too large. This generally provides more return in the long run, since you do not have to spend so much time cultivating the plants. The plant should be over 20 cm when you put it in flower. When you put the plant in early flower it can become many small buds with a lot of leaves. The quality of the pot is better if you'd rather focus on a few large plants.

Plants that have grown for two weeks.

Get to prevent the plants are too high, it is customary to cut off the top of the plants. This will cause the side shoots will grow larger and the plants will be lower and have more peaks. If you have a few plants and lots of space you may want to cut the plant 1 or 2 times. If you leave the plans is tight, you should not cut them in all. If you should cut, and are so dependent on black. Some varieties are naturally many branches while others are long and high with few branches

Cannabis Leaf showing a little nitrogen deficiency.

During the growth phase, some of the plants develop early flowers (eng: preflower). If you find a male plants at this timing, it may be wondered to remove it to provide more space for females.

After you have cultivated the couple of times, you can easily see the difference between a male and female plants. It is easy to see the sex when the plants have been blooming for a week or two. Male flowers most closely resemble ordinary flowers, and they emerge as tiny buds where the branches meet the trunk. The female flowers have small, thin and white threads.

Male Plant

Female Plant


When your plants have been fit height, it is time to start flowering by switching to 12 hours of light and 12 hours dark. The plant should be completely dark, please use an opaque material to cover windows etc. Please note that the plants will grow a lot in height even after they have started flowering. Small plants can quickly grow up to 2 / 3 in height after they are put into flowering. Large plants begin to flower faster and tend not to grow so much in height.

Cannabis plant in early flowering.

Finished top shots. (Buds)

A pretty good indication that flowering is finished with cannabis varieties, is when approximately 80-90% of the white threads on the female flowers become red or brown. On early varieties, it is possible to wait until all threads have the font color. It is common for cannabis plants need 2-3 months of 12-hour cycle to develop the finished top shots.

Harvesting and drying

If you really want to make something out of your crop, it is important that careful harvesting and drying. You will probably be surprised how much you can improve your product in terms of odor, taste and smoke quality. Drying should not go too fast, and on the other side does not rot.

To make it simple, you can cut the plants and they hang upside down until they are ready to smoke. (typically 2-3 weeks). If you want to be a bit more thoroughly then read on.

When to plan harvest?

To be more careful, you get the magnifying glass. magnefyed 30 times or more is optimal.

You may have to notice that the plants are developing lots of resin or crystals that get the plants to appear white during flowering. This is the resin that is found most of the THC content of plants. By investigating this further in a magnifying glass, it is easier to see if the plant is mature or not. Resin changes color as the plant matures.

Close up of resin.

Close up of resin that has changed color.

When the plants are ready?

In the beginning, the resin is clear and almost transparent. As the plant gets the modens a more milky white or yellowish color. Finally, a reddish-brown color reminiscent of amber. Some varieties (eg blueberry) can have a dark blue color in the end, but mostly the color goes from clear to yellow and finally reddish brown.

Why is it so important?

Plants psychoactive properties are quite different, depending on how long the hard whip is allowed to mature. Generally, they said that the longer the plant is mature, the more potent the plant to be. Harvested plant early, it will experience fairly mild, refreshing and not very physical (ie you do not get so tired and lethargic). This is because little of THCen is degenerate to the CBD, CBN and other cannabinoids. If you harvest too early the THC level is too low.

If you wait until 30-50% of the resin has been colored milk is THC level on top, but it is minimal by other cannabinoids. The plant has a maximum at this time psychoactive potential, no one gets too tired and lethargic by smoking the plant. This is great for those who like to smoke a little to get a bit more creative without being too blunt.

For those who prefer to be real stone, it is wise to wait until the plant becomes reddish brown. Please note that you must harvest the plant before it gets too old and starting to fade. You may want to harvest when 20-30% are red, or longer if you dare and wait. Plants have at this time of high CBD, CBN and other cannabinoids. High often perceived as more anesthetic and is often a little tired and lethargic. Try to find out what to find the time to resolve your needs best.

Color shift from clear to yellow and finally brown.


It's a good idea to stop the supply of fertilizer 1 - 2 weeks before harvest, in this period you just give the plant water. You get this way washed out chemicals from fertilizers and the like. Leave the soil dry out before harvesting the plants. Not too much, but enough that the plants are ready for a new watering. When the plants are not so watery they will dry faster.

There are some polls that show that the plant's THC is slightly higher at night than during the day. You may want to harvest after a 24 hour dark period, but this is not so crucial.

When the plant is harvested, you can use a good old method of cutting plant and hang it to dry dark place. Or you can go a little more thorough job by cutting from each branch, and dry it separately. When you cut the plant into several parts, it will dry faster and are less likely to have mold on the plants.

It is also possible to further trim the state each shot, ie cutting the leaves of it. Top shots are thus very attractive and inviting, while eliminating smoking leaves that rarely taste good. But note that many people prefer to dry the plants slowly as this gives the best flavor. A good idea might be to hang the whole plant for 1 or 2 days first and then cut the plant up and trim each branch before proceeding wipe command. The plant should not be too dry for too long when you start trimming, since the resin / crystals facilitate this when the plant is dry.

Before and after trimming.

Once you have harvested the plants, you should avoid coming into contact with light, moisture and heat, as decomposers THC. The plants should be dried in a dark room, preferably with a fan. The temperature should be between 18-22 degrees. The plants are quite dry after 1-2 weeks. You can test whether they are ready by trying to break a branch. If the branch bends and is very tenacious, allow the plants to hang a little longer. If the stem breaks easily plant is ready for the next step. The rest of the towel should be no place in one form or another for air-tight or semi air-tight container. It can be glass, plastic boxes or the like.

The plants are now so dry that they begin to rot. For example, let your marijuana stand in a jar in the refrigerator and take it out once a day to give it fresh air. It is possible to do this for up to 2 months so you get an amazing smell and taste. There are many ways to do this in both the refrigerator and room temperature, but you should at least make sure the container gets fresh air once a day for the first few days.

When plants are completely dried and ready for use, the best-kept dark and cold. Use the refrigerator, but marijuana stays too long as reasonable a dark cupboard at room temperature.​


Well-Known Member
Very good information, i liked the seed part because i've been having troubles lol. But like another guy said on your other guide, you should re read your post before you post it :P. There's some things in this 1 that could confuse people.