Growing from my PC


Active Member
Hello, I have been reading up on botany on this fine site, but one thing I can't pinpoint is if my 42watt (250watt incondescent), with 6500k and 2377 Lumens.

Are the Lumens of if I am growing in a P.C. approximatly 8"depth 20"height 20"wide.

Is my CFL strong enough?

Edit: Would I also be able to use an existing 23w CFL for extra lighting, or are there issues that comes with mixing lights? (I would love to know so I can add it)
Check out my grow, Im in a pc case... Im sure that one bulb could do it, but the more the better. If you can keep the temps down then of course its better.
I've seen people using 125, even 250w CFLs in PC case grows, so as with any grow - the more light the better, as long as heat doesn't become an issue.

During flowering you'd probably want 2x42w (2700k) and throw a 6400k spectrum one in there too and position them evenly around the plant.

The beauty about PC cases is they usually have 1-2 exhaust fans and an intake fan which should easily keep temps under control.

I'd love to see a PC grow where someone yields more than a few grams, but it seems most people do them for fun/as an experiment, than for the yield itself.

I thought about buying a case myself (the Codegen S-201 - it's f-ing huge!), but I got a wardrobe (closet) for $45 instead (as opposed to $250 for a PC case).

Good luck and post pics of your progress.