growing in rental house


hi im just about to move out of my house to a new rental house for about a year or so and wanted to know if growing would be a good idea. IM gonna be running 2 600w hps lights and probably a t5 if i get the funds situated. ill be doing a 16 plant scrog with a crop every 2 weeks or so of about 4 ounces. looking for any advice :-P


Active Member
If your renting a house, that generally means the landlord can pop in any time for any reason...I'd be very, very careful at the very least.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Just make it noted with your landlord that you are a busy man and if he would be coudious enough to give you a heads up call if he has to come over. Ive grown in rentals with no problem.


Active Member
Sixteen plant scrog? Where are you gonna put all of that if you don't mind my asking? Not that I'm curious, but I would like to know how you would move or hide such a setup if your landlord wanted to come by...

Scrogs aren't really designed to be moved. :roll:


Active Member
Yeah, and I don't know how you think you're going to start a scrog, and then pull out a plant every now and then. I must have read that wrong, but do you know what a SCRoG is? It's wire, and plants, and shit being all mangled around each other. I see 4 posts under your name & well, I came from another forum which you may have as well, but I wouldn't do a SCRoG if I were you. I'd start by just growing a regular plant. You need A LOT of space for that setup that most rentals (presuming) do not offer. If anything, don't tell your landlord you're a busy man. He's not a moron. Tell him that you are going to start working night shift, or you're picking up a second job. Tell him that you'd appreciate a couple days heads up if he's going to come by during the day/evening because that's your sleeping time. :)

Good Luck!


Active Member
why don't you just ask your land lord if it's okay with him/her?
Because in most states, it's illegal. And even in those states that it is legal, not everyone excepts it like they really should.

My guess is, he's not growing it legally; so the least amount of people that know, the better.


Active Member
why don't you just ask your land lord if it's okay with him/her?

Is that serious, too? Who in their right mind would ask their landlord unless he said, hey look at my plants, then you may be inclined. Even then, legal or not, don't ask, don't tell. It's all about keeping your mouth shut. That's why we have brag :P

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
i grew in a rental house for quite awhile. It may not state it in your rental agreement but in most states your landlord must give 24 hours notice before entering his own property...look up your state rules and regulations on rental contracts. But DEFINATLY DO NOT DO SCROG. I mean how in the world would you move it all? I had the benifit of a renter who lived many states away and id know months ahead of time. IMO id do some research on your renter...the internet can be a wonderful thing. Is he/she a busy person? Do they have lots of property? Do they have a lacky to come take care of the house? Or do it themselves? Is the house and appliances in poor condition?if so someone is gonna be there often...just keep ur mouth shut, nose clean, pay rent on time and like taco bell you'll be good to go!


Active Member
why don't you just ask your land lord if it's okay with him/her?
So exactly how would that conversation go? "Hi Mr. landlord, I want to move in and grow pot in your house. I will be using some really powerful lights that might burn the place down if I am not careful. Oh, and don't forget the smell...its lovely isn't it? The neighbors will love it, I swear! That ok?" No landlord in their right mind would rent to you if you told them that - even if its legal in your state. I rent out a couple homes I purchased years back, and if i ever found out one of my tenants is growing - I would kick them out immediately for not using the property for which it was intended. I know its hypocritical, but hey, I own my home and I can do what I want in it. I don't want the hassle in the rentals, or the unwanted attention - not when I could rent it to somebody who is not a patient and avoid the mess altogether.


Active Member
yeah, you don't want to risk having it come back on you as a landlord .. If you're going to grow, have a real job, too. Don't bank on not getting caught, because that's just when ya will.


Well-Known Member
Look at your lease agreement you signed. In mine it states that "THE LANDLORD SHALL NOT ENTER WITHOUT NOTICE OF AT LEAST TWO BUSINESS DAYS" AND must have just cause I.E- Showing the property to a potential buyer. If it doesn't say something like that, get it added. Everyone likes their privacy.

It also goes on to state that the notice can be given to any of the roommates I live with, and that by serving one of my roommates it is the same as serving me. Just wanted to mention that so if it does say it in your contract be sure to let your roommates know if the landlord tells them he/she is stopping by to tell you ASAP.


if you're in cali, the landlord MUST give 24 hrs written notice. And it can not be for inspection, that is illegal. He must provide a resonable reason like a repair or maintenance ONLY! My landlord tried that bullshit on me just showing up and doing shit. Then i told the guy to show some respect and pick up the telephone. While you may own this house, while you are collecting my money for me to live in it, it's my house! He apologized and hasn't pulled it since. Be tactful, but stand your ground for your home and privacy and you will have no problems.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Q. Can a landlord or manager enter a tenant's rental unit? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
In cases of emergency or tenant abandonment
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] or [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]surrender, a landlord or manager may enter a rental unit without notice. Otherwise, a landlord may enter a unit only after giving reasonable written notice for a valid reason. A valid reason would be to make a needed or agreed upon repair or alteration; to show the unit to prospective buyers, tenants, contractors, lenders or repair workers; to provide agreed upon services; to conduct an inspection related to a tenant's security deposit, prior to their move-out; or pursuant to a court order.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] A landlord may NOT enter a rental unit simply to inspect, even if the rental agreement allows for it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Noticed entry should be during normal business hours, unless the tenant consents. The right of entry shall not be abused by the landlord or used to harass a tenant. Reasonable notice has been deemed by the courts to be 24-hour notice. The notice should be personally delivered, left with someone at the premises of suitable age and discretion, or left at, near or under the usual entry door where it is likely to be discovered. It can be mailed, but the landlord should allow 6 days between mailing and entry. There is an exception that allows oral notice of entry during the sale of a property provided certain procedures are followed.[/FONT]


Active Member
You guys are totally missing the point. A landlord can stop by being nosy/overly-friendly, and you can't do much about it. If he stops by to see how you are adjusting, or to tell you he'll be out of town on the 1st, then what? He's going to give 24 hours notice for that. Helloooooo, these people aren't always nosy & stumble upon it by accident. Best bet, as I said, is to do single plants...NOT A'll be fucked in more ways than one if you get caught


Well-Known Member
wow stan...that was kinda harsh. Just to point out, i touched on two of the same facts you did. 1 that scrog would most definatly be out of the question because its so hard to move and 2 to keep his mouth shut. But. Then i gave him more valid advice on figuring out the type of renter he is dealing with...also the possibilities the condition of the home could effect how often the landlord may stop by... much more then your banter. No one likes a tool'll figure that out in time.


You guys are totally missing the point. A landlord can stop by being nosy/overly-friendly, and you can't do much about it. If he stops by to see how you are adjusting, or to tell you he'll be out of town on the 1st, then what? He's going to give 24 hours notice for that. Helloooooo, these people aren't always nosy & stumble upon it by accident. Best bet, as I said, is to do single plants...NOT A'll be fucked in more ways than one if you get caught
what state are we talking about? because like stated, in cali the landlord can't. If he does tell him you appreciate the thought, but you would really like your privacy respected. They cant give 24 hrs notice to see what your doing in your house, well not in california. I would fight that fully.


Well-Known Member
no my friend we are not missing the point...we are stating the facts..and the law btw. And to counter an overly friendly renter...simply step out on your front porch/stoop. You have the right to deny anyone entry to your home renter, nieghboor. hell even the police unless they have a just cause ofcourse. Seriously its the truth. Weak minds only produce feable thoughts.