growing in smart pots


i am planning 2 grow some plants in 10 & 15 gall smart pots. i,m looking to get all the good advice i can get from folks who have used these pots and know about them. i will be using them out in the country, i live in a hot southern state so i,ll have to be hauling water to them. i,m thinking of using polymer crysyals in my grow mix to help retain water at least during the hottest months. i,m interested in soil mixes, how often,about, they need to be watered, what to use other than wire to keep deer and cows away. i,m doing all my research now on what i need and how to use what i need. i will be very thankful for yur knowledge on this issue. i guess u can post 2 me in this forum or email me at____bonedaddy_tx@yahoo.com_______. peace and stay green.

Well-Known Member
Its too late in the season to use pots bigger than 5 gallons... There would be no point and you would be wasting soil! Your plants are gonna have 2-4 weeks of veg time at most.

Forgot to add in my grow I am using Root Pounches and all they really do is stop the plant from becoming rootbound by giving it plenty of oxygen. The bad part about them is how fast the soil dries out...


thanx 4 yur reply. i,m not going 2 use them this year, i,m gettin ready for next year. i,ve been told to mix mg potting soil with regular soil and add polymer crystals and perlite for water retention. what i want 2 do is use maybe 15 or 20 gall pots so all i have to do is visit the site ounce a week 2 water, but i,m worried that i may have 2 water more often with these pots. how often do u have to water? my grow site is a 25 mile away.