Growing indoors need advise!


Well-Known Member
Id go with a big CLF or 2 (120w +) they onyly run about 25-30 dollars from 1000 if your broke.
But if you budget allows the 600 hps is the most efficent light in terms of lumens per $, could save you in the long run.


Active Member
I really don't under stand how the watts and $ work? i'll save more money on electricity using cfls rather then using a 600 hps right?


Well-Known Member
The CFL put out less lumens per kilowatt hr to run but are cheeper to buy and run. And are way safer fire wise (but they still get hot).

The 600 hps is has the best lumen per kw hr ratio. The most efficient out there i believe.

The 600 will cost twice as much to buy an run, but puts out 5 times more light for the dollar.
To light a box with CFL equil to a 600 you would need at least 6 cfl witch would cost more to run per month than a single 600w hps.
I suggest buying a high pressure sodium light(hps) if you have the money.
But if not i am currently using fluorescent lights (cfl) and my plant are 3 weeks old an are looking very healthy. My tallest plant is 7 inches and that's not even my best one.
I don't know how my fluorescents are gonna work during flowering see that this is my first grow but hey so far so good
I'm thinking about buying a hps on eBay tho.

If you wanna learn about light do some reading on google, I learned so much in a day it's crazy.
ok i have to say something here, people saying led pannel sucks are partly right, but its because of all the bullshit sellers (like the one you want to buy from). A good led pannel will have 1w power per led minimum, the best being 3w per led (dont look at one, you gonna go blind instantly lol), if its anything lower than that, or worse, not mentionned, dont ever fuckin buy. You're gonna have stupid flashlight leds that are worth about 2cent (real price) each and you're gonna pay 100$ for 200 of these put together lol . also try to get a 8:1:1 or 9:1 or 8:1:1 or 8:1 ratio for your lights, its better for the plant

Here is a good led light:

see the power input is 90w and on your fuckers website the imput is.....13w LOL

So i dont know but i think someone shoud sticky something like that cause led is good when you just check your shit before buying. i didnt buy one cause im not paying bill and i have no temp problem, but it can give good results on lower power...its betta for the planet! grow green! haha