Growing Like A Weed!


New Member
This place is growing so fast. When I first joined there would be like 200-250 people on 400 at the most and that was at a peak time! Now in the middle of the afternoon there are almost 500 people on here. It seems growing is the new in thing and this is the place to learn! Also, we have alot of elite members now the list just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Does anyone know how many elite members we have now? Thanks alot to everyone who support this site. I am proud to call this place HOME!!


New Member
And the upgrade to the new server has made it faster. Thanks for the reply, I usually get peope looking but no one usually post. + rep


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
oooh yes everyday rollitup is getting bigger. Where do you think rollitup will be at in another 6 months im talking how many members site upgrades..etc


Well-Known Member
this site is a good site for all your marijuana needs i know myself that i have used a hell of alot of info i found on this site and its nice clean and the ppl seem great on here, most of you seem to help ppl when they need it like in post etc and i think its great when ppl with the 'know how 'help others out .