Growing: Low-stink strains?


Active Member
Hey all!

My wife is has chronic pain due to an accident. Long story short, I'm thinking of growing a few plants to see if this is a better solution long run to the narcotics. They really screw her up and are taking a toll on life. Moreover, I got hooked on the pills and would love to see them out of the house permenantly.

So, on to the question. Are there strains that are guaranteed to stink less? I don't want the kids to ask daddy what's going on in the locked basement bathroom. :mrgreen:



New Member
I dont know if there are any strains that smell less but you can get rid of the smell by using filters if thats what u are worried about.


Active Member
I should search, but...

I assume a carbon element filter would suffice? Is it good enough to just have a high-cfm air purifier in the room with the grow? Personally, I'd never notice but everyone else would. Perhaps I could retrofit the bathroom exhaust fan with a filter element so I could vent outdoors...


Well-Known Member
how big are you planning on having your grow? cause my buddy uses a homemade cardon fliter and theres no real smell in his room