growing monster plants. (advanced growers)


Well-Known Member
this is not for the newb grower but it is an open thread to all with advice :)i want to hear soil preperation, trimming techniques used, when your plants were started, and yield. The goal of this thread is to spread knowledge of this amazing way of growing trees ;) This will be my first year trying to maximize my grams per foot yield, got the growing down now i am concerned about weight. Remember pix are welcome!!


Well-Known Member
theres is no amount of reading, or "techniques that are gonna grow you trees. Its not like these growers are gonna come in right a paragraph or 2 and anyone who reads said paragraph can now grow monster trees. These growers know what they know from pure experience, years of working around and with these plants, learning their inner workings, and truly understanding the plant.. Lots of these guys could write a damn book with all the info theyve obtained over the years. But this info is useless to a newcomer who cant understand it at that level. Its like when I first started playing guitar. Only knew a few basic chords, but not one bit of how everything connected on the musical aspect. Well I had a guitar teacher who knew plenty and was a great guitarist, what he knew and his level of knowledge was so far from where I was at, any time Id ask him to explain something, he's using all types of musical lingo and expressions, that I dnt know anything about, it was all jibberish to me. So you see information is pretty useless if folks are unable process and understand it. Just grow and learn, and keep on learning, and soon enough, youll be growing nice trees


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have a go at growing a few monsters this year , my game plan is 4x4ft holes full of quality organic soil mix , a strain that has the potential ,Neville's haze...95%sativa and a 6 week pre season head start indoors , Iv only been growing for a year but I can grow healthy plants so I think I can pull of a monster , I'm hoping for 2lb + but I don't really know what to expect


Well-Known Member
bro if u wanna see some monsters go to budologist420 on youtube or on riu. He pulled 6 off 1 plant and 4 off another. Maybe talk to him and he can give u advice. My advice though would be to do 200 gallon smarties due to better aeration and better control of the nutes and soil the plants are fuckin with. also i would suggest topping and manipulating your plant into an even bush sorta like my cookies is istarting to look. that way you get big juicy top like nugs all around the plant instead of just the main cola. or even mainlining(check thread in organics) maybe the best option if your growing from seed if clone i wouldnt fuck with it though. Another thing to understand is everyone is going to have a different opinion on how to do shit. so listen up and do what u think is going to work best



Well-Known Member
theres is no amount of reading, or "techniques that are gonna grow you trees. Its not like these growers are gonna come in right a paragraph or 2 and anyone who reads said paragraph can now grow monster trees. These growers know what they know from pure experience, years of working around and with these plants, learning their inner workings, and truly understanding the plant.. Lots of these guys could write a damn book with all the info theyve obtained over the years. But this info is useless to a newcomer who cant understand it at that level. Its like when I first started playing guitar. Only knew a few basic chords, but not one bit of how everything connected on the musical aspect. Well I had a guitar teacher who knew plenty and was a great guitarist, what he knew and his level of knowledge was so far from where I was at, any time Id ask him to explain something, he's using all types of musical lingo and expressions, that I dnt know anything about, it was all jibberish to me. So you see information is pretty useless if folks are unable process and understand it. Just grow and learn, and keep on learning, and soon enough, youll be growing nice trees
I want to agree w/u but I can't. I want to because not to be mean, but, lots of folks ain't 2 bright:wall:
But not to toot my own horn, but I learned it all here and grew some 10foot monsters on my 1st try. Check my thread n some others n u can learn. Just 2 namse some. Doublejj,nuggs,dirttyd and so on.....


Well-Known Member
^forgot weazer .....but really ...this site speeds up the learning process imo...i copied doublejj last year and had my best year yet...

it's not rocket science
1.big pot
2.feed and water correctly

ok ill add more

i top and retop...i aim for bushes over trees...i want over 100 bud sites...i use trellis netting so they don't gangster lean too much....


Well-Known Member
bro if u wanna see some monsters go to budologist420 on youtube or on riu. He pulled 6 off 1 plant and 4 off another. Maybe talk to him and he can give u advice. My advice though would be to do 200 gallon smarties due to better aeration and better control of the nutes and soil the plants are fuckin with. also i would suggest topping and manipulating your plant into an even bush sorta like my cookies is istarting to look. that way you get big juicy top like nugs all around the plant instead of just the main cola. or even mainlining(check thread in organics) maybe the best option if your growing from seed if clone i wouldnt fuck with it though. Another thing to understand is everyone is going to have a different opinion on how to do shit. so listen up and do what u think is going to work best
I always see u on budoligists nuts.. lol but its cool if he's that inspiring, more power to ya! anyone can grow a monster, but theyd have to be lucky to do so without any decent experience or common sense about this magical plants that grow as easy as a weed. ;) good luck to everyone and hope everyones plants produce monsters!!! certainly not rocket science! _Tycoon


Well-Known Member
I always see u on budoligists nuts.. lol but its cool if he's that inspiring, more power to ya! anyone can grow a monster, but theyd have to be lucky to do so without any decent experience or common sense about this magical plants that grow as easy as a weed. ;) good luck to everyone and hope everyones plants produce monsters!!! certainly not rocket science! _Tycoon
yea sorry bout it but he has shown me whats good with growin the outdoor and has inspired me lol and like he told me hes always willing to help n e 1 with an open mind which you cant say about everybody on riu


Well-Known Member
yea sorry bout it but he has shown me whats good with growin the outdoor and has inspired me lol and like he told me hes always willing to help n e 1 with an open mind which you cant say about everybody on riu
no need to be sorry lol im jus jealous I don't have no one to brag about me so much. :-? one day ;-) im always down to help in anyway possible too, didn't mean any offense. it was sorta my way to say good job to Budologist :D on another note heres how ima try to begin my monster guerilla plant: Tycoons Blue Dream Goin to replant in the ground at one of my plots and try to bury her even farther in the ground to give her more sturdiness and root growth area. holes usually take 2-3 bags mixed with native dirt and ammendments, 3-4' deep and 3-4' diameter. about this size goin to be in the ground within the next 3 weeks. already been outside and had flowered but revegging already so this will be non stop growth again. the clone shown is 5-6 weeks old. an easy 2# or more plant alone. :D


Well-Known Member
information IS useless if you dont understand it. BUT consideration for those that do understand it is what is important. last year was my first grow and i had some 7 foot beauties that gave about 1 1/2 each. this is a very good thread and hope that positivity will come out of it as opposed to these self proclaimed "grow gurus". i have posted it on my thread, but so far i will be using 50lb bags for 8 holes. the bags include alfalfa, bone and blood meal, kelp and pot ash. possibly some guano if my wallet lets me.


Well-Known Member

cant be arsed to write a million words so ill keep it simple

dont fuck about with the local soil , dig a trench 3 foot deep and more wide , drop in many bags of compost , mix in shed loads of organics including horse shit , bat shit , fish bone etc , cover with a tarp and ignore for 4 months

at around the same time ( xmas ) pop the seed or take the clone , grow under any old light indoors making sure the plant never goes rootbound , final pot should be to the 20L ready to be moved to the site and the plant will be trained to be 4 foot or so , you do not want xmas trees , you do want a shit load of branches so pinch out the tops early on a few times

a million words already out there , aim for something with that doesnt finish too early but is a fast flower , also mold resistance is everything , sats if you somewhere hot and indis if your not , dont bother hunting out so called big yielders as they tend to create large colas , attractive but a mold magnet and nothing fucks your day up than a 3 foot colas thats mostly brown , figure any plant thats 8 foot high and wide is going to bang out shit loads regardless

get to the site , undo the lady , drop into the hole , kill off any dead or broken leaves , sprinkle around with dried crushed egg shell , trim the lower branches and leaves off so theres a foot of stem at the lowest point ( fuck bunnys and slugs )

stake out branches as it grows pulling them away from the main bush , remove inner leaves and small offshoots , water as and when but dont bother with food unless it asks for it , the only feeding should be follage with seaweed concentrate ( bugs hate it , plants loves it ) until in flower and then its a normal mix upto whatever and bung a bit of boost in there , when in flower final trim of inner bud sites and shitty little branches , airflow means less mold

mine are between 3 and 5 foot , some where dropped out a couple of days ago , all going to plan mine should be 12 foot or so


Well-Known Member
then again this 15' thai was in a hole only about 3 gallon size in the ground and gave me a # and a half dry. and this hole was about 5 gallons in the ground with a good lb dry


Well-Known Member
last years total harvest..

Bubba Kush..

few more...

One thing I learned last year is height is not everything.. the bubba above was about 7+ I hated not being able to look ontop for pests.. (I dont use pesticides.. ) I have never spent more then $4 a bag for soil

last years grow cost less then $500 total incl plants, dirt, lic etc..

attempting my first scrog this year on a bubba k.. going to let he grow out rather then up
