Growing multiple plants in 1 pot


Active Member
so, my friend is growing some plants and is limited on pots/soil. my question is; will plants still grow effectively with say, 2-3 plants in the same pot. will it effect how they grow efficiently(bud yield), or even be able to grow at all?

also what would be some good mc'guyver style tips on picking up good soil/sand/nutrients while at the same time being strapped for cash and growing space. and also any transplanting tips.

background info on the plants: they are 2-3 to a pot, 2 "pots" are cut out 1 gallon milk jug bottoms and one is an actual clay planting pot. they've germinated in the paper towel method and have just sprouted today. They are grown out doors on a house roof, but moved in doors for heavy rain and winds.

thanks for any answers in advance, and any advice at all would be much appreciated


Active Member
not a good idea. people that plant in pots here have 1 plant per 5 gal bucket. they need some space. i was reading on some site where on of their bigger plants needed 2 sq meters per. If you need to get some 5 gal buckets call up your walmart or somewhere that theres a bakery and ask them for some, they should have them and give them to you for free


Active Member
yeah its not a good idea it ends up just being a fight for nutrients and its stressful on the plants


New Member
the real deal is that if one plant dies, its rootsa can do bad things to the other roots that are still alive. Thats the issue. They will be so tangled up that it would be a mess. I did think of using one container, and then putting in something to space off the areas?