Growing outdoors in a greenhouse


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! I was here many years ago, when I did a stealth grow on my apartment terrace, and now I'm finally able to do a legal outdoor grow. We can have three mature and three immature plants at one time, so I ordered seeds from Crop King. I'll be growing three Cali OG Kush Haze and three Lemon Haze autoflowers, all feminized.

I'm in the Northeast US. I started my seeds indoors in a window 10 days ago, and bought a small patio greenhouse to move them into. Is it safe to do that with baby seedlings when daytime temps are in the 60s and nighttime temps are in the 40s, or should I keep them in the window a bit longer?

I apologize in advance for what I know are going to be a million questions! Thank you!!
Get a light and keep them indoors for a while. Are all of them auto's? If the first three aren't, or even if they are, then put them all under 18-24 hours of light. There's not enough hours of daylight yet.

If the first three are photos you can just keep them on that light schedule until mid June.

The auto's will flower while the others are still in vegetative growth. Then when they are done the photos will just be starting to flower and will finish in the fall.
Good luck friend!
Get a light and keep them indoors for a while. Are all of them auto's? If the first three aren't, or even if they are, then put them all under 18-24 hours of light. There's not enough hours of daylight yet.

If the first three are photos you can just keep them on that light schedule until mid June.

The auto's will flower while the others are still in vegetative growth. Then when they are done the photos will just be starting to flower and will finish in the fall.
Good luck friend!

Thank you so much! I'm going to do a little research on lights today. If you have a recommendation, please let me know.

I have both autoflower and photo seeds growing now. I germinated them at the same time.
Thank you so much! I'm going to do a little research on lights today. If you have a recommendation, please let me know.

I have both autoflower and photo seeds growing now. I germinated them at the same time.
I would recommend 2x 600w mh/hps but that's just me. I only use leds and fluorescent bulbs for seedling and clones. If you do want leds though, do yourself a favor and spend the money to get some really good ones. Cheap leds are just that, cheap. Don't waste your time and money on them.

For advice on good leds I would check out the threads here on RIU about which ones seem to do the best. They will cost more than the cheap stuff on eBay and Amazon. But you do get what you pay for when it comes to lighting.

Quality equipment will pay for itself very quickly. Crappy stuff will just cause headaches. Remember, the stingy person always ends up paying the most. So get something that works well and will last a long time.
I grow outdoor.i start seeds Mar 6th then i use a 400w MH from 4am to 7am then move them outside. Just need that few extra hours in the morning cuz Mar/April is still 12/12. Anything below 45degrees is frost for me here but they survive of nature does, go figure...but avoid really cold shit. Jimmy is accurate i would just add you dont really need 2-600w lights for 3 mature 3 small plant grow, bit of an overkill if ur just holding off 12/12.
I grow outdoor.i start seeds Mar 6th then i use a 400w MH from 4am to 7am then move them outside. Just need that few extra hours in the morning cuz Mar/April is still 12/12. Anything below 45degrees is frost for me here but they survive of nature does, go figure...but avoid really cold shit. Jimmy is accurate i would just add you dont really need 2-600w lights for 3 mature 3 small plant grow, bit of an overkill if ur just holding off 12/12.
It is a little overkill, except his autos will be taking up the main area to get good light while flowering so I would keep three under each light. The 600s are my choice because they run more efficiently and put out more light than smaller mh/hps. And I like to grow big plants. They are around this size (4.5-5 feet tall) when they go into the hoop house. 20200617_092623.jpg
So I need that much light to keep them happy until it's time for them to move.
If you aren't planning on growing trees, then a smaller amount of light will be fine. You just don't want to give them too little. Then they just get long and spindley. That will end up leading to other issues later on.
You are right though, he doesn't need that much light to be successful. It just depends on what he's after in the end. I just want a whole years worth from one crop lol. Then I have fun with growing more indoors (in the winter) if I want too. That's when I use three 600s in a 4x8.
Thank you so much! I'm going to do a little research on lights today. If you have a recommendation, please let me know.

I have both autoflower and photo seeds growing now. I germinated them at the same time.
you can get away with using 6500k CFL bulbs for the first month of vegging. dont get the LED ones as they are only 5000k and the plastic blocks alot of light.
rumor has it that autos like bigger pots and hate transplanting, pretty much saying that starting them off in big pots will make them grow fat.
Get a light and keep them indoors for a while. Are all of them auto's? If the first three aren't, or even if they are, then put them all under 18-24 hours of light. There's not enough hours of daylight yet.

If the first three are photos you can just keep them on that light schedule until mid June.

The auto's will flower while the others are still in vegetative growth. Then when they are done the photos will just be starting to flower and will finish in the fall.
Good luck friend!
We just hit 14+ hours here in northern Oregon. I went ahead and threw some of my clones outdoors yesterday. This is 5-10 earlier than I usually do, but we’re gaining 3+ minutes of daylight each day, so I’m not worried.
I’ll put my autos outside, but I put them in my greenhouse every night under my KIND XL 750 so they are getting light 24/7
I drop my seeds around 4/20 in MI. Indoors of course. I then start under a 40W 3528 LED ceiling panel until mid May if needed. Then harden off and finally place outdoors. Autos I don't normally start until May. Avoids light shortages. Straight outside. The photos will outgrow your area easiy when I start them.

Keep good airflow if you grow in a greenhouse. Best wishes.