growing outdoors... is it that hard?

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New Member
I have read alot about growing indoors and outdoors. indoors you need like so many damn things i wont get away with it since im in my parents house. outdoors i can do fine but do i really have to put a ton of fertilizer and stuff like that? also since the sunlight has a the entire spectrum and is alot more powerful then indoors grow bulbs (ex. HPS bulbs) is it alright if i cant get the plant 18hrs of sunlight? i can get 12 - 14 hrs at most.

Also can i just put my germinated seed regular top soil like will that be fine for a grow or 1 plant?



Active Member
first off don't grow at your parents house, not cool at all. Find a good plot of land and set up shop. buy some organic compost and some organic potting soil, your plant will do fine with 8 hours direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight also will give your plant what it needs to be strong. Start you seedlings in plastic cups for a couple of weeks or until they are strong enough to hold their own out there. Be careful where you go and how often you go there. if i was you i would wait till i had my own place. good luck


New Member
ok thanks for the help it was very reassuring. when u say wait idk if i should be telling you my age but im 15 so i rather not waste my money on shit weed from school it aint worth it. plus im sharing with my friends and i do have a few good hidding places that get sun all day. i am happy to her 8 hours is good for a plant =D o crap if 8 hours is for vegatating how many hours will need for flowering or will it just do it by itself? btw its not auto flowering plant.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
haha lol is it hard?
its the easyest i grow at my house
8 weeks and theyll reveal sex well thats wen mines started


New Member
ok but how many hours of light for flowering thats all i need to no i got everything else for now.


Well-Known Member
your plant will naturally flower on its own outside when the days get shorter. you dont have to worry about that just have to keep it alive n healthy


Well-Known Member
just dont over water it. thast a common mistake for beginers because we cant leave our freakin plants alone.


New Member
lol thanks guys for all the help!! i would never over water a plant.... my friend grows vegis so he can tell me if i over water etc. but i rather just look at plants online if i get that urge to see one flowering. thanks again!!!


New Member
lol thanks guys for all the help!! i would never over water a plant.... my friend grows vegis so he can tell me if i over water etc. but i rather just look at plants online if i get that urge to see one flowering. thanks again!!!


New Member
lol thanks guys for all the help!! i would never over water a plant.... my friend grows vegis so he can tell me if i over water etc. but i rather just look at plants online if i get that urge to see one flowering. thanks again!!!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
lol thanks guys for all the help!! i would never over water a plant.... my friend grows vegis so he can tell me if i over water etc. but i rather just look at plants online if i get that urge to see one flowering. thanks again!!!
you guys are giving illegal advice to a 15 yrear old!!!!! he has to be at least 18 to even be registared here.


my friend threw a seed in sand, and it grew, he threw some plant food around it. thats the cheapest way i think outdoors, and like that plant wasnt bad at all.


New Member
first off don't grow at your parents house, not cool at all.
i'm about 4 weeks into flowering one plant at my mom's house. she has yet to comment on any smell, increase in power use or any suspicion whatsoever for that matter.

i built a growbox in my unused crawlspace and since it is right underneath my room, i ran an extension cord down through the floor lol. i'm in the process of getting a smell proofer thingy with ONA and soilmoist to conceal future (possibly larger) grows, so this shit is pretty off the grid.

if you're smart about it, you can get away with it. on the other hand, i have a friend whose dad has found like 10 of his seedling on different occasions because he was convinced that his closet was a chill place to grow.

it may be risky, but as long as you're smart about it, it can definitely be pulled off.


Well-Known Member
illegal is illegal. when i was 15 i was moving more weight than most of the older ppl i chilled with. so the age is irrelavent.

jeff f

New Member
do you guys know that by growing in your parents house you are risking everything YOUR PARENTS, NOT YOU, have worked for their entire lives? do you know that in the US if you.....oops, wait i mean YOUR PARENTS.......are caught with a grow that the feds can seize everything you......oh wait, did it again, YOUR FUCKING PARENTS..... own including bank acounts, cars, houses, your college fund.....

does anyone else see anything wrong with this thread or am i just paranoid?


New Member
well i aintgrowing indoors since i bet i would get introuble after some thinking and the post above did concern me so outdoors away from my house is the best plan.

btw, i doubt im the only 15 year old here righhhtt? if i am then thats shocking. anyway.

drummer for peace since you have pulled it off. even i think you should grow outdoors away from your property. as you may get caught one day and man it isnt worth from what i just read. but its your choice. you can also plant it on your neighbors property like in the back corner so if they find it he gets in toruble? my cousin did it hahah and it was fine.

jeff f

New Member
as you may get caught one day and man it isnt worth from what i just read. but its your choice. you can also plant it on your neighbors property like in the back corner so if they find it he gets in toruble?
oh boy, its worse than i thought ;-)

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
illegal is illegal. when i was 15 i was moving more weight than most of the older ppl i chilled with. so the age is irrelavent.
RIU could get in trouble for us giving advice to a 15 yr old. I am fond of this site and hate for anything to happen to it!
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