growing problems


Active Member
hey, first time grower so dont really know much about problems but my plant is now 6 weeks old and the lower leaves are turning yellow and the tips of the higher leaves are also turning yellow can any1 help me with this problem the only thing i can think ive done wrong is feeding it miracle grow.



Well-Known Member
looks like a little bit of nute burn, but don't lose it, just do a little flush and water with some plain old phed water for a while


Well-Known Member
dude go to yellowpages .ca, find ur local hydro store

buy some dnf grow, and dnf bloom for flowering..... really easy just water it with reccomended dose once a week and water when dry about an inch of top is dusty dude.... for u right now slowly run 5x the amount of water that bucket could hold through it to take out all the salt build up ok fally the chart with the dnf and it will be a ok..... or ur hydro storee might make there own nutes .... alwase good they usually know there shit and are cool to talk about weed dude do it


Well-Known Member
tranfer you plant to better soil without miracle grow slow release. Try fox farm ocean forest with 60% and 40% peralite. You should be as good as gold.