Growing sidways

what uup

Active Member
Hey everyone, new to the site and first outdoor grow.

Have a couple babies 6 days old now, growing very sideways. It may be hard to see in the pic but 3 of the 4 are leaning quite a bit. The leaves are still pointed up but the stalks are very flimsy, especially compared to the 4th plant that is completely vertical.

I'm not complaining as I was planning on LST'ing them anyways, but what kind of problems can I run into? Should I put some straws or something similar in there to straighten em up, or just let em go?

Toke on.


Active Member
You got some stretch goin on there! I think it happened because its stretched so much and it can't support the weight of the top very well... Its like a fat girl riding on your back! ha!


Well-Known Member
an easy fix would be too fill the cup up with more soil, the stems should get stronger if they have a breeze blowing on them


Well-Known Member
I'd try carefully repotting them in slightly larger pots so you can plant them deeper. Be careful and try not to handle roots too much . Bury them about half way up those stems and get them under more light. This should turn them around. Good luck.

what uup

Active Member
Wow quick replies guys!

Sounds like good ideas, bigger pots and plant them deeper. I'll see if I can do that today/tomorrow.

Another question though. Seedlings and rainstorms, whats the best advice. I've got a decent amount of rain headed this way either later today or tomorrow. Should I just leave them out there? Tough plants right :). Also I have a few that are just coming out of the soil so maybe 2-3 days old. Will they ride out the storm or do they need some attention?


Well-Known Member
I'd be putting tents of clear plastic up B4 the storm if they were mine, Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
yeah that or put them under some kind of cover and make sure they have adequate drainage. What are you thinking about using for nutes in the future?

what uup

Active Member
I may just move them under some larger trees so they dont get blasted, but i'll see what I can do about domes.

Nutes in the future...I'm planning on staying fairly organic/natural so I may start with blood meal or whatever high nitrogen fert I can get my hands on locally. After I move them into bigger pots I'll let them sit for 10 days or so and then start slowly feeding them :).


Well-Known Member
I would stay away from blood meal as it could burn your plants, bone meal is just as good and a lot safer. Go with indonesian bat guano (high phosphorus) for flowering if you want to stay on the natural side. Are you planning on transplanting to the ground at some point?

what uup

Active Member
I've thought about going in to the ground but I like being able to move my plants around and make sure they are getting plenty of sun. Plus it would be a pain clearing them an area so the tomato plant's roots didn't have to compete for nuts with large trees and undergrowth.


Well-Known Member
miracle gro 20 20 20 i a good balance nute to use but use less that wat they tell you to use when first starting think bout it this way the plnats roots are as big as the plnat above ground