growing to fast


Active Member
im running out of rooom i tryed bending it tieing it down its 36 inches it was 14 inchs when i started flowering 10 days ago and i havent even started giving it blooom nutrents just the regular and some carbo loader
what can i do to slow it and will giving it big bud and blooom make it grow alot more



Well-Known Member
See how the uppermost nodes are getting tight and alternating? That's a sign that the plant is ready to stop growing upwards and start putting it's power into bud production. They shouldn't get much bigger. It's looks like you can still bend a little more, so it's going to be close. It's really hard to make that call, so, all i can say is "keep bending", and wish you good luck. :wink:


Active Member
See how the uppermost nodes are getting tight and alternating? That's a sign that the plant is ready to stop growing upwards and start putting it's power into bud production. They shouldn't get much bigger. It's looks like you can still bend a little more, so it's going to be close. It's really hard to make that call, so, all i can say is "keep bending", and wish you good luck. :wink:
were else could i bend it like lower then were i already have ?
whats good flowering products im going to go get some tommrow


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i was thinking you could just keep bending them the way you already bending them. It should give you a few inches to play with.

And about the bloom're asking the wrong guy if you want to know about 'bloom boosters' and stuff like that. I used Dynagro Bloom fert, and it has everything you need. I'm going to start using black strap molasses for the last couple weeks, but haven't tried it yet. I'd tell ya how to mix it, but I'm not even sure about the ratios yet. I plant to look into it when I get some. It's supposed to make them taste better, and help the buds get nice and juicy. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Nutes...u wanna a shop around to c and read up about em, im not tryin to touch on iit cuz ive only use a couple brands, but i reccomend humboldt nutes. but then again i havent use ther grow, bloom, or micro. i use fox farms for that (for now), but not sure if i would recommend FF to any one, feels like im givin my plants steriods. but im switchin to the humboldt nutes line soon.


Well-Known Member
your using cfl whats it going to hurt to keep growing? looks like you have more room. its not going to matter if the light is on the side of the buds, its cfl anyway


Active Member
your using cfl whats it going to hurt to keep growing? looks like you have more room. its not going to matter if the light is on the side of the buds, its cfl anyway
what do u mean theere cfls they still get hot and it burns them not like i can just let it grow in to the light

ya im going to go check some out tommrow i think im just going to get micro bloom and some big bud
by the way you guys use soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
what you got there? some chemdog? those get tall, i put mine in at 12 inches and they always get like 3-4 feet high


Well-Known Member
what do u mean theere cfls they still get hot and it burns them not like i can just let it grow in to the light

I didnt say let it go into the light I said its not going to hurt if the light is next to the bud and not on top of the bud. I know of this heat you speak of I am using 1000w and 600w HPS and trust me yours are nothing compared to what I deal with. good luck keep the bud porn coming when you get there


Well-Known Member
Flower smaller if the lights have been kept at the right height and the internodes are realy close then all you can do is upgrade the grow area or flower smaller.You could supercrop the plants by squeezing the stems and then put a tiewrap on the bend of the plant but not too tight the plant will then grow up the side of it's self.


Active Member
Flower smaller if the lights have been kept at the right height and the internodes are realy close then all you can do is upgrade the grow area or flower smaller.You could supercrop the plants by squeezing the stems and then put a tiewrap on the bend of the plant but not too tight the plant will then grow up the side of it's self.
ya but were else can i bend it lower then were i already have i always had the lights a few inchs from it just the stretch at the end got me i got like maybe 6 to 9 inchs i just got to turn the cfls side ways
some one was saying that they wont grow much more taller they will just start budding up now


Active Member
ya but were else can i bend it lower then were i already have i always had the lights a few inchs from it just the stretch at the end got me i got like maybe 6 to 9 inchs i just got to turn the cfls side ways
some one was saying that they wont grow much more taller they will just start budding up now
so i just tryed to bend it and tie it down a little higher then were i did last time i think i may have bend it or squezzed it a little to hard it loooks like a i have a pretty big tear and it doesnt seem to be lifting up there is alot of slack on the string


Active Member
i see some serious stretching there...thats definatly the part to your problem..light closer!!
first off bro my lights are practically touching my plants i have numerous burns from the lights being to close and loook how close the top nods are un till recently the cfls used to just hang on a string above the smaller ones


Active Member
i dont kno how u get the lights are to close the lights are practically touching the plant and u cant really help the lower ones the reaching for the lights there down low on the plant i dont think ucan change that ..
plants look like there trying to get closer to the lamp to get more lumes off the light and because there is very low lume out put from them type of lamps the plants will always stretch up to them trying to get more lume and burning its self in my opinion.

prob best to get hps light of any watt ..


Well-Known Member
i dont kno how u get the lights are to close the lights are practically touching the plant and u cant really help the lower ones the reaching for the lights there down low on the plant i dont think ucan change that ..
It would be too late to repair stretching anyway, they dont look bad let them reach the ceiling if they must and move the light to the sides and as mentioned maybe dont veg as long next time. Problem is you will get less yield so next time you will want to try some serious LST and make them grow the way you want. They do look like they wont grow too much more and start budding. Dont worry if you see a tear man the plants are Veeeery hard to kill if healthy which they look to be. Also I am not sure if you have any more money to put into your hobby but man I swear even a 150w HPS would make a world of difference adding to the mix.

here is a very nicely priced one which was my first HID

Another suggestion is to make sure you are growing mostly Indica or pure Indica plants as they are shorter and stockier by nature and they also normally finish faster I believe (not positive about the finishing faster overall) Anyway if your not going to change or add to the lighting you can just go with a smaller strain and get by with what you have and not cut it so close next time. I think you are fine here man let them hit the ceiling this time if they must and bend them as needed when the flowers start forming up top.


Well-Known Member
Also I forgot to tell you that you are a drunk bastard MR Lahey and your in the middle of a huge shit cloud of weed, lol trailer park boys Pwn


Active Member
i didnt think iw ould have enough rooom in there for hps i cant really ventalate it at all next best thing were the t5s 6400 lummens each and the cfls ar 1800 lummens each
how neccesarry is the blooom nutreint our can i keep going with the sensi grow 2 part that i have right now and getting budding attitives
ya she just started turrning back up it was just kinda hanging limp for a bit
this is my first groww byy the way just getting the hang of it then going to try some harder indica strains