Growing Tomatoes in the Desert


Well-Known Member
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Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
As a former desert grower, Arizona
I suggest you grow artichokes
Tomatoes hate desert conditions , good luck
Welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
I love tomatoes!

I have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in between. I enjoy them with coffee, while watching a movie or video gaming, and most of all during sex.

Problem is, where I live, tomatoes are ridiculously expensive. Right now with all thats going on, 28 grams of tomato costs around $ 3300, that is in the rare case of finding someone providing them. Insane right? And ultimately, dealing with them can get very risky, and consequently extremely detrimental. Getting caught with some juicy red tomatoes can lead to years of imprisonment and abuse in a 3rd world country prison (not fun).

All of this has bought me to the conclusion that the only and best way to enjoy my tomatoes is to start growing them myself. I've been researching the process and it feels like it's something that i'd actually enjoying doing. All I'm missing is guidance from an experienced local, and since such a person is hard to come across in real life, it has lead me to cry for help virtually:

If you live in Kuwait, have experience in growing tomatoes, and is open to helping a fellow tomato head out, please get in touch.

Contact will be established on an anonymous bases to ensure the safety of both parties.

All I'm looking for is help and advice regarding the required equipment for an ideal set up: Where to find them locally, and what is the safest way to go around attaining them. Further advice on growing tips in regards to the local atmosphere is also welcomed.

I am posting with personal internet security and online tracking in mind. This thread will be deleted once it meets its purpose.
PRO TIP: Posting about growing "tomatoes" in a forum specifically named "General Marijuana Growing" isn't going to fool anybody who may be tracking you.


Well-Known Member
Fuck...can you imagine if they were trying to grow cannabis?! I'd buy a light, some pots, some dirt,and some fertilizers. Just start planting seeds and trying to get it figured out. The good news is that tomatoes can be grown indoors where you can control the environment. So, get it all in a room, run it for a week or so and see if you can control temperature and humidity. Then put some seeds in. Good luck. If you need seeds, order them from an online source that ships to kuwait. Don't tell anyone. Shut the Fuck up. You'll end up in prison or whatever they do to you in Kuwait for gardening. You don't need a real life person. Humans are stupid animals. You are better off on your own. Another person is a mouth you don't control.
You should have read the Rules and FAQ for the site before posting... you can't just up and delete posts whenever you don't want it available to others any longer. Deleting a thread doesn't protect you. All of its information has already been provided publicly.

Use a VPN if you're worried about privacy or security.
Yeah figured that out after posting this. I feel stupid now. I'm using VPN and among other things. Thanks tho!
PRO TIP: Posting about growing "tomatoes" in a forum specifically named "General Marijuana Growing" isn't going to fool anybody who may be tracking you.
I feel if it ever comes to technicalities, this might prove useful in court; "Your honor, as you can see, my defendant is obviously an avid tomato smoker, i mean grower!" and boy am I avid about tomatoes. Also, a little bit of humor never hurt anyone ;p
Fuck...can you imagine if they were trying to grow cannabis?! I'd buy a light, some pots, some dirt,and some fertilizers. Just start planting seeds and trying to get it figured out. The good news is that tomatoes can be grown indoors where you can control the environment. So, get it all in a room, run it for a week or so and see if you can control temperature and humidity. Then put some seeds in. Good luck. If you need seeds, order them from an online source that ships to kuwait. Don't tell anyone. Shut the Fuck up. You'll end up in prison or whatever they do to you in Kuwait for gardening. You don't need a real life person. Humans are stupid animals. You are better off on your own. Another person is a mouth you don't control.
Thanks for the tips. I am aware of the golden growing advice and plan on going by it. "Don't tell. Don't Sell. Don't Smell"


Well-Known Member
Did I read this correctly, is that $3300 US dollars for 28 grams?! $3300 Dinar would be just as crazy!
This wouldn't surprise me. I'm pretty sure Kuwait still hangs people for growing and/or possession. Some navy guy was given a 25 year sentance in Kuwait for being caught with 6 grams in his house in Kuwait.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
Yup, sadly. it used to cost $1300 - $2200 pre-covid19
Wow, that is horrifying. When I read your first line "I have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in between. I enjoy them with coffee, while watching a movie or video gaming, and most of all during sex. " and than the second where you stated a gram was $117.86 I was impressed by the money you must make. If the stuff cost so much here you can bet many would never have even seen it let alone love it with every meal and activity they do. I am guessing if you can afford those prices than you can afford the lawyer but to be honest where you are I wouldn't chance it. I wish you luck.