Growing Two Plants Under Two 6500K CFL"s With Reflectors.


So I brought these babies indoors from outside. I really have little experience growing, but now I have them under two 6500K CFL Bulbs. Running 16/8 On/Off Light Schedule.
They haven't had any nutes :/ well besides some miracle grow here and there.
I believe the plants to be Most def over a month and a half I know for sure. They also have purple leaves towards the top and have little pistils it looks like? so Im not sure if they are female?
Any Valid Advice or support would be appreciated.
I'm going to make this sorta of a grow journal aswell.
They were started outside both of them around mid august, In the same pot.

10/6/2010 - So they are more than a month old I am 100% sure. I'm wondering was it the lack of sun or bad conditions of outside when it was first growing? it seems like they stretched and never focused on canopy. Any insight would be greatly appreciated
Plymouth-20101005-00074.jpgPlymouth-20101005-00073.jpgIMG-20101005-00068.jpgPlymouth-20101005-00077.jpgPlymouth-20101005-00076.jpgPlymouth-20101005-00072.jpgPlymouth-20101005-00071.jpgIMG-20101005-00069.jpgView attachment 1196421This last picture is of both plants before they were moved inside and seperated


Active Member
A: It looks more like those things are 2 weeks old as opposed to 2 months. At 2 months outside they should be at least 2' tall.
B: They aren't old enough/far enough into their life cycle to sex yet.
C: I'd go with a 18/6 cycle. Plants that young and small can benefit greatly with 2 more hours of light.
D: If you are giving the nutes now, I'd dilute them down to 1/4 of the recommended dose. Too small to take on full strength nutes. I'd also recommend adding 1/4 tsp of epsom salts every other time you water to keep the plants from developing a mag deficiency.
E: Get rid of the aluminum foil ! It creates hot spots and can burn the plant or cause heat related issues. If you can't get any mylar or panda film then just get some white poster-board and cut a strip to line the inside with.

Good luck man ! I'll be starting up another grow soon myself.


Thanks bro for the help, yeah I noticed they are real small, but they started outdoors in late august and now its October and I brought them in a couple days ago. They havent grown much so its weird. They may look 2 weeks old for some reason. BUT they are def older than a month. On the fifth photo the plant looks to have pistils on top but im not sure???


Well-Known Member
Couldn't say if they have pistils from those pics but could be possible yes. If you had them outside for more that 20 days during august (which means around 12h of darkness) would be normal for them to be flowering.

If you put them inside and give them 18/6 as Jones said, you'll have to wait until they go back to veg stage and them let them start growing again but maybe is better to start new seeds ?? Even for a 12/12 schedule they are very small for a month.