growing weed


Well-Known Member
can ne 1 help me i was wondering if i could just go off in the woods and start groing just put it in the dirt and watch it grow liek that did back in the old day i gess


Well-Known Member
yes but its not gaurentted it will grow i would recomend germinating the seed first then putting it somewere outside were it will get a good amount of sunlight and water it at least once every couple days i did that and my plant was growing great until i had to move and i couldnt take my plant with me so i just got rid of it


Well-Known Member
yea, paper towel method is good, or just get a small cup put a little dirt, not sucky dirt, rich dirrt. bury the seed only an inch itll grow fine. but water it then when you think its ready to go outside do it =)