growing with canna cocoa

A green moss like film seems to be growing on the surface of the cocoa c lones that were transplanted into straight canna cocoa in breathable containers. I think i may have seen some tiny flies. Could they be the root of this discoloration? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
could be gnats you are seeing.. and the green moss you are seeing, could it be algae from the light hitting your medium?? just cover with white plastic...
adult gnats dont harm your plants but they lay there larvae in the grow medium and they will attack your roots, that will inturn kill your plants from the inside out...
I just figured it out, you know those green plastic ties with the little thing of metal in the middle. used to bread, tying branches...I had cut those in half and marked them for the different strains and a couple had fallen over and mixed in with the water and must have run off the color. Fortunately this one was a false alarm. As to the gnats I think my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I will def keep my eyes open. Thanks.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You original description sounded like fungus gnats. They land on fungus, pick up spores, then they land in the coco, lay their eggs and transfer the spores. The larva eat your roots and when they come above ground as mature flies they can then eat the fungus that was growing on the surface.

Keep your eyes open.