Growing with different people on the same property, with the combined plant limit?


Well-Known Member
One of my friends was telling me about growing on other people prescriptions or something. How if one person wants to grow over the legal limit but keep it legal, he needs other people to be part of the grow, like a collective grow i guess, but I've never heard of this though it would make sense.

I will be starting a grow with my brother pretty soon, and we live in the same city but not in the same house. I will be handling most of it, though the plants will be at his residence. The legal limit is 24 per person, but with two recommendations combined it would be 48. However is it legal for someone to grow plants for someone else without a caregivers license? That really is my big question lol


Well-Known Member
nvm, got my answer, apparently it is legal, but if you want to go over the limit you just should make sure you have your doctor put a maximum on your recommendation, which lets you exceed county limits. Pretty cool, worth a shot i guess.