Growth Hormones and germination question


Well-Known Member
I have read about soaking seeds in a kelp solution with an extremely low NPK value.
I have never tried this, but I do wet my medium in kelp solution when I plant my seeds.
my seedlings seem to like it. They get three or more leaf sets in the first week.


Well-Known Member
There is very little if any advantage to using root hormones during the germination process.


Well-Known Member
Don't bother, germ with just plain water. I do use CANNA Rhizotonic with seedling, this speeds up the rooting of babies.


Well-Known Member
The only time i would recommend anything like that with seeds is if you have years old beans that you have already failed a bunch with just plain water

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Soaking in a cup of water then placed into a wet towel has always worked for me. I let them soak for 12- 24 hours then I put them in a wet paper towel, place the towel in a zip lock bag. I normally place the bag on my dvr player to add warmth to speed up the process. Be careful not to roast the beans, I did it one time, that sucked. The appliance may get too warm and dry things out, so I place a few magazines or thick cardboard between the beans and the device. Check them at least every day, if not more. Doing it this way has always given me great germ rates.


I would think the high concentration of rooting hormones would aid in the plants establishment, is that not so?