Growth Rate OK? 4x4 table 1/2 way floods temps a little high for t5?


I got some strains im vegging in flo n gro buckets before they go in the system in flower tent which is a whole other topic to deal with...and some others as stand aloners ill probably keep in the table and change the bulbs to flowering t5 bulbs. the Vegging is taking place in a 4x4 flood table were supposedly a 40 gallon reservoir is supposed to be enough to flood the table to the top right below the lip especially with the displacement of the buckets...NOT!! so now I have a problem because the rock wool cubes where the roots were level at were placed at the level in the buckets right where the solution was supposed to flood to. The pump only pumps the reservoir to half full and then starts pumping air as it only pumps to about 2-3 inches of the bottom .. basically where the water is drawn into the pump is above the bottom level so it will never get the bottom 25% to 1/3. So with this and I dont know if they suffer for this I know its impossible to overfeed them this way but people I've been having to get a cup and hand feed each bucket the nutrient solution from the reservoir trying to make sure i saturate it enough as if it were being flooded and I only do this once - twice a day. the t5's do a good job of drying the moisture from the grow rocks and have been giving me 80-84 degree temperatures thie fixtures are 2 8 bulbs and cover the 4x4 table ffro edge to edge for full light coverage. each one puts out about 400 watts for a total of 800 but if i run all 16 the temps goes all the way to 87 degrees. so since there a switch for these where you run the inside bulbs or just the outside ive just been running the inside 4 and have been keeping it between 80-84 as stated. Im growing Akorn, Blue Dream, Purple Wreck, Critical Hog, Og Kush, Underdawg OG, Sour Blueberry, Bubblelicious, Sage N Sour and a Blue OG
:wall:20131117_032045.jpg20131117_032218.jpg20131117_034018.jpg20131117_034042.jpg20131117_034219.jpg20131117_034840.jpg20131117_034853.jpg20131117_034915.jpg20131117_034928.jpg20131117_034954.jpgoh heres a pic from nov 9 they just broke the shell 10/26 so i dont know if the r
ate is going ok but i havent been able to run all 16 bulbs because of temps ..until i get a portable ac if i can iron this out i might start a journal on this grow ad the strains. i know the ph was a little low i brought it up. NOV 9 20131106_003419.jpg



Well-Known Member
They'll be fine hand watering. Im guessing ur table is a 4x4 inside dimension table. Either get a huge rez like a 100 gal or get some 3x3 inside dimension tables. The main thing i would worry about though are those temps. You need some type of fan pulling air from the light and blowing it out of the room which will also pull new air in. That would drop the temp alot and help those plant as well with fresh air. Do this first and you shouldnt need an ac. Keep that little fan blowing on them too.

Nice strains too btw. I would keep that critical hog on the outside of the tray when u start to flower cause heat stress from the lights will cause fox tailing in the critical.


Ok thanks I cant get another res they cost so much but that would nail it though. 3x3 would do the trick flood tables are cheap i am really thinking about it One thing I was considering was getting those "Black Holes Drippers" I don't know what you use from the pump to split it to 24 different 1/4" connections though coming from the pump. As for the temps its fluorescent fixture so I cant vent it and im hitting myself in the head thinking maybe I should've ac cooled a 400 watt mh over the thing. for babies would have to keep it far away though on starts and clones. Thanks for the heads up on the critical. Ill keep a few on the table maybe but once they are big enough those buckets go into the gorilla tent for flower under 2 1k hps lights i really didn't think t5's got that hot. Thank you so much for the advice. Since the flouros will be creating heat and hot air will be vented out that tent into the same room that recirculating air will definitely need to be cooled and your right I also got to bring some fresh air in there. I might have to tap a wall from one of the next rooms over i can either use the vent to get new air or vent hot air out being as though its winter and the heat is being used im thinking to vent out and just tap a wall I don't know whats your thought on this?


So they've gotten a lot bigger now in this short period of time but there's some spots. some yellow and some brownish on one the tip is like dark brown. Ill post it later tonight only one of them has the burnt looking tip. When i post the pic can someone please tell me what the ideal ppm should be in this stage of growth. Ill start posting in hydroponic later but im hand feeding now until i add drippers.


Well-Known Member
It should only take a few days for the roots to grow down to the flood level so you shouldn't have to hand water them anymore. Just keep an eye on them when you stop and if they get droopy give them another hand water.

Also, your ph is a little low, get it up around 5.8


Hey Tallen thanks they did get droopy and i fed them and they perked right up so know i know i need to at least hand feed twice a day. Now as for the root development, Im a little puzzled at that because the growth seems ok I guess but the roots haven't traveled but more than a few inches outside the 1.5 inch rock wool cubes. with this reply I'm posting a pic of the growth as of yesterday as well as a picture of the weird spots.


compare with November 18 pics. I did bring Ph back up but I realize I got to watch it before I feed because I know people have issues with too high a ph but I guess with synthetics ph is too high and needs to be lowered but for some reason my ph keeps dropping too low and i have to bring it up a little especially when using karma or the kelp. One of the purple wrecks seems to be showing a slight lavender tint but with the flash of the camera and the t5's i cant seem to get it to show. its mostly on the new growth and on the main vein of the upper leaf. Strangely this is the slowest growing one.


On the last one you can see some spotting I outlined the others just for show.Oh yeah the edges are a little curled upward forget abut that not dry or green just not flat. Anyway thanks for everyone who has replied or will reply. We are strong where others are weak and weak where others are strong so i look at this forum like a strong networked team of experience. While you help me adjust to some of my weaknesses Ill return the favor and share my knowledge of things I am strong in where I know it is in the forum..It'l help get rid of that noob "stranger" rank to and helfully Ill make some friends??

