GR's Flow and Grow 4, plant Gorilla Cookies!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well here I go again, trying something new.
My first attempt this year was a total bum-fuck.
I started my seeds and got 6 out of 6 to germ.
Only needed 5 so I put one in a pot outside.
Things were going ok when I made a major newbie mistake, I overfed the plants when they were too young and lost them all. That was about the time I had surgery so my mind wasn't into the grow.

I have retooled and going with an Active Aqua Flow & Grow system, 6 - 5 gallon pots with a 55 gallon rez and Hydroton as the medium.
Picked this up a couple of weeks after my surgery.

The setup in my 5 x 5.

The rez, is only fill to what I need, about 30 gallon.

If you have seen my post on Air Stones in the rez, I have eliminated them for waterfall type aeration. The standpipe at the 12 o'clock position tees off for two nozzles. The dark tube behind the pump is the Torus XpH cannister. The pump at the 8 o'clock position is the feed pump for the Ebb and Flow system.

The rez in action, the pump and standpipe are positioned for high O2 production and create and vortex effect in the rez.

I germinated and planted 8 seeds in rockwool cubes, lost 4 of them, so planted two more and they did not make it so I am going with 4 plants this run. I hate rockwool and will never use them again.

The seedlings just would do nothing in the rockwool cubes so I planted them in the Hydroton and began hand watering them a few times a day. This is what most looked like at planting.
They have been in the pots now for 10 days and the roots of only one plant has reached the rez, still watering with the system but also hand water with light nutrients and Rapid Roots. They are doing ok, the one that has roots in the solution in the pot is doing very well.
Pics to follow.
A few pics of the progress!
Gorilla Cookies #2







To be continued!
A few pics of the progress!
Gorilla Cookies #3







To be continued!
A few pics of the progress!
Gorilla Cookies #4







This little lady has been on her deathbed more than once since germination. Seed looked crushed when I opened the package, she took 5 more days for the seed to open, while in the rockwool cube I sat the lid of the dome on her and bent her double, right after placing her in the Hydroton pot on the first hand watering I pour it directly on her and she bent double and you could see the break in the stem, she recovered but has been very slow. You can see the knuckle in the first pic where the break was. But she made it.

And here she is today, July 27th!

No too bad for a weeks growth.
Would like to discuss the Torus XpH cannister.
My friend who have been growing in DWC for years switched to an Ebb and Flow grow table. He told me about the Torus XPH cannister. He has been using it for a while now and said it works well for him. I spoke with Torus and they suggested I purchased the one for a 70 gallon reservoir as I am using 36 gallons in the rez. I set the pH at 5.85 and placed the XPH cannister in the rez.
It took about a weeks to level out but the rez is stable now and the pH moves from 5.7 to 6.1. Talking with my friend he suggested I set the original pH at 6.0 so on my 2nd rez change I did just that and did the same with my last rez change. That was on 7/21 and I have not added any pH Up or Down to the rez and again it is holding the pH between 5.75 and 6.15.
I am impressed with the unit, although I still go out and check the pH just before every watering , I feel comfortable about not having to add any up or down on a regular basis.
My friend says when the pH reaches 6.3 +/+ he adds pH down to 5.7 and allows the pH to float up from that point. I will try that if the pH reaches that point. So far it has not.
The company also says that you can change the rez out less often but I am leery of that and still change it out every two weeks.
Since this grow is totally new, equipment wise, nutrient wise and grow wise I will at some point let it go beyond two weeks just to see what happens.
I also put a Styrofoam cap on the buckets to prevent light from getting to the solution.
Yesterdays pic.
I have a question about Hydroguard. Can I add it or should I add it between reservoir changes?
I use 3 ml/gallon when I change the rez out about every two weeks.
Just wondering and maybe being to anal, but just don't want root rot.
Instead of hydrogaurd use Southern Ag gff. It is the exact same bacteria but 1 million times stronger. Check out this thread.
Yes my buddy suggested that and I plan on it but, at present I have 1 plus gallons of Hydroguard and would like to us it first. Just looking to extend the rez.
I have a question about Hydroguard. Can I add it or should I add it between reservoir changes?
I use 3 ml/gallon when I change the rez out about every two weeks.
Just wondering and maybe being to anal, but just don't want root rot.
I would add it at rez change and at least again after 1 week. If not more than that. IMO I believe it is hard to use to much. I add southern ag during res change, every 7-10 days, and also 1-10ml shot into my control bucket after 3-4 days.
All plants have roots in the rez.
Some more than the others.
Here are a few pics and a question.
This is the runt that I have unsuccessfully tried to kill, LOL She is just getting her roots on.
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Have some concern about this plant. Roots are just beginning to show. Please note the tips of the new growth, starting to white out. Lamp is 26 inches above the plants, EC is 1.1 and pH has been floating between 5.8 and 6.3 with the XPH cannister.
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This plant seems to be just fine.
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This plant took off strong from the beginning. Is it natural for the roots to get that brownish tent. Plant looks healthy.
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What do y'all think, is everything looking OK?
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Please note the tips of the new growth
are they white or yellowing turning to brown? some parts of those leaves look a weird purple color (maybe just the pic?)
and some of your leaf margins are curling up too.

what's your rh and temp?
are they white or yellowing turning to brown? some parts of those leaves look a weird purple color (maybe just the pic?)
and some of your leaf margins are curling up too.

what's your rh and temp?

Thanks Rocky,
Only thing I am seeing is the whitening of the tips of the new growth.
RH is 55 to 60% and the temps are 77 to 80F.
Going to keep a close eye on them, changing the rez today. Have my surgery on Thursday so won't be able to lift the RO water bottles for a couple of weeks.
The Torus Perfect XPH cannister is working well and so I should not have to worry about major pH swings.
All plants have roots in the rez.
Some more than the others.
Here are a few pics and a question.
This is the runt that I have unsuccessfully tried to kill, LOL She is just getting her roots on.
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View attachment 5173394

Have some concern about this plant. Roots are just beginning to show. Please note the tips of the new growth, starting to white out. Lamp is 26 inches above the plants, EC is 1.1 and pH has been floating between 5.8 and 6.3 with the XPH cannister.
View attachment 5173389View attachment 5173393

This plant seems to be just fine.
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View attachment 5173392

This plant took off strong from the beginning. Is it natural for the roots to get that brownish tent. Plant looks healthy.
View attachment 5173387View attachment 5173391

What do y'all think, is everything looking OK?
Gh trio will stain the roots so as long as they don't smell and ain't slimey you should be good
I spoke too soon. On the 2nd when I did the rez change for two days it seemed ok. When I got back from my surgery on the 6th I checked the pH and it was 6.7, adjusted back to 6.0 and with in two days it was in the mid 6's. I adjusted again to 5.75 and on the 8th it was 6.55, adjusted to 5.85 and this morning when I got back from my checkup it was 6.75.
Have contacted them and hope to have an answer soon.
Was seeing some whitening at the growing points, began misting with Cal/Mag Plus and they seem to be improving..
Did a minor defoliation removing just lower big fan and began cleaning out the interior of the plants. Will be doing some lolloping in the near future.