Guerrilla Grow in the Forest


Well-Known Member
yep, but not a forrest just out in the good old aussie bush.

i just got too old and frail to cart water.:mrgreen:


New Member
i usually grow all my outdoor in the forest...... i missed the nature preserve part earlier though.

as long as you find an area that rangers wont go too often then that would be cool but i think they regularly get walked around on by rangers around here, so id be a bit cautious about it.


Well-Known Member
for bugs such as deer, rabbits and little crap like that, put dog hair around the perimeter of the plant.
Closer to the stem of the plant to keep away slugs, small things ect. put broken glass around the perimeter of the plant also but closer to the stem. i would put 2 perimeters of broken glass just to be safe though.

lol but if your in a tree i would recomend something like mesh but that wouldn't block the sun you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
im using Sevin dust,but i dont like the way it covers the plant.The plants are beutiful but it makes me think there not getting all the sunlight they dogs go with me to tend em there good lookouts.No deer problems either.Just grimey ass leafeating cocksucking mutherfucking bugs!!!!:joint::mrgreen::peace:


New Member
im using Sevin dust,but i dont like the way it covers the plant.The plants are beutiful but it makes me think there not getting all the sunlight they dogs go with me to tend em there good lookouts.No deer problems either.Just grimey ass leafeating cocksucking mutherfucking bugs!!!!:joint::mrgreen::peace:
invest in some "neem oil" sevin dust is worthless when it comes to bugs and flowering plants because you DO NOT want that shit on the buds ANYONE is going to be smoking. It is SEVERELY hazardous to your health. Neem oil is non toxic and will get rid of 90% of bugs when used right.


Well-Known Member
where can i get some neem oil?any big box stores? or hydropnics stores more likely to have um?


New Member
Ill check up on it!!!!
where can i get some neem oil?any big box stores? or hydropnics stores more likely to have um?
hydro stores may have it but I just saw some here @ my local walmart. It shouldent be anymore than like $7-10 bucks. You mix it with some water and spray your plants with it. If your plants are really bad with pest you can make a solution with it and (pack the soil tight in their containers) actually flip the plants upside down and dip them in it. Ive never had to use it except for a couple of times though. Generally dish soap and water is the thing I use to deffer buggers around here...

this is what i found in the growFAQ about neem oil
How Do I Use Neem Oil Without Getting My Plants All Oily?

Contributed by: ZBQ
Submitted: July 5th, 2004

Neem oil is a highly effective and 100% natural pesticide, extracted from the seeds of the Neem tree in India. Neem oil is non-toxic to animals or people. Neem is systemic.

Neem oil is most effective when used as a preventive, meaning that you spray every crop regardless of whether or not you see a pest.

Many growers seem to be put off by its oiliness, finding sprayers clogged and plants left coated in oil. The solution is to get the oil broken down and suspended in the water, then we can get it onto the plants.


1 litre warm water
8ml cold-pressed Neem oil
5ml liquid soap

Note: If your Neem oil appears solid and/or cloudy it is most likely too cold. Run the bottle under warm water for a few minutes until the Neem oil is easier to work with. Shake it well.

8ml of Neem oil + 1 litre of warm water

you can see that the oil and water are completely separated..

8ml of Neem oil + 5ml of liquid soap in 1 litre of water.

NOTE - you may have to add more or less soap, depending on the strength of your soap. When you can see soap bubbles youve got it right.

Shake this in your sprayer, it should make a milky-white liquid, with no oil floating on top. Leave it to settle for a few seconds. If there are any oil droplets floating on the top, add a little more soap, drop by drop, (keep shaking) until the oil is gone. Dont be surprised if you have to add more soap than I did. Now you are ready to spray.

Spray everywhere, especially under the leaves where critters hang around. Get those plants dripping wet. Keep shaking while you spray.

IMPORTANT - you must repeat this application every 3 days for at least 2 weeks (3 weeks if you want to be 110% sure)

This is important because Neem oil doesnt directly kill bugs (amongst other things it stops them from reproducing, feeding and molting their skins). So in effect, it breaks their life cycle.

This means you need to spray for at least the length of one life cycle, which for spider mites in ideal conditions (like most growrooms) is around 2 weeks, sometimes a little longer.

I use this method for the first 2 weeks of 12/12. It was taught to me by a professional grower of 20 years experience. He also uses this recipe as a soil drench (Neem is systemic and therefore there is no need to spray if soil drenching)

I have used it as a foliar spray for about a year now and have had no problems with mites or any other vermin, large or small. Skeptical friends have also been won over to this system.


If you are facing an infestation emergency, you can add Pyrethrum to the above mix. I challenge any nuclear-proof insect in the world to survive the twin pain of Neem and Pyrethrum.

Notes on Ingredients:

Cold-pressed Neem oil has much higher levels of active ingredients and is well worth the money. A good place to find this stuff is from a Pharmacy that stocks herbal remedies. (It is used as a treatment for head lice.)

If your Neem oil appears solid and/or cloudy it is most likely too cold. Run the bottle under warm water for a few minutes until the Neem oil is easier to work with. Shake it well.

Liquid Soap - plain unperformed, boring liquid soap. Personally I don't let that stuff anywhere near my plants, but many do, and if you're one of them you may find you need less than if using liquid soap. Experiment a little when you shake the mixture. Plain liquid soap is much more gentle than washing-up detergent.

Pyrethrum is extracted from Chrysanthemum flowers. It is a highly effective and 100% natural insecticide. It is also one of the safest, bearing little threat to mammals. Pyrethrum degrades quickly once sprayed.

Editors note: Liquid soap is similar to Safers soap (a fat based liquid soap mixture). Safers suffocates and dessicates (dries out) insects. Works good, but can also clog leaf stomata, so a follow-up spray of water is required.


Well-Known Member
for bugs and deer i use various lengths of chain and metal screening , i made a box for my plants and put the screening around it so bugs cant get in (that or they stopped trying) but sunlight and water can , as for the metal chain since im 100% that noone will find my location i have 3 lengths of chain circling my grow at various heights to keep deer from just running threw my shit and killing everything hope this helps


New Member
for bugs and deer i use various lengths of chain and metal screening , i made a box for my plants and put the screening around it so bugs cant get in (that or they stopped trying) but sunlight and water can , as for the metal chain since im 100% that noone will find my location i have 3 lengths of chain circling my grow at various heights to keep deer from just running threw my shit and killing everything hope this helps

that rubber fencing sometimes used on construction jobs where they have to do land pretty well for repeling deer and it dosent stick out as much as the chain generally does. I can get painted chciken wire where I live too and ive used that before as well


Well-Known Member
not a bad idea i posted a new thread a few minutes ago with a picture of some in it and the screening i use around it , as for the chain its not a silver chain its spray painted dark green and brown so its well hiddin i give it credit for saving all my babies for no deer taller than 2 ft 4ft or 6ft has gotten in yet