Guild Wars two


Well-Known Member
Alright, glad RIU made a forum for video games! Anyway, GW two has taken up LOTS of my free time over the past few months, I'm not even posting as much here or elsewhere on the Internet. Got involved with a fun, casual family guild and running all over Tyrian slaying dragons, doing jumping puzzles and just exploring.

I'm on Tarnished Coast, if anyone else is there shoot me a message, any thoughts on the game post here
That's crazy man i play Guild wars 2 as well and on the exact same server as you.
Hey obi ill add you when i get my game installed. Are there certain servers you have to choose from like other mmos? If so what one are you on? :D
Cool! Tarnished Coast is my server. If you're interested, I'm a senior officer of the Legion of Honour guild. Fun, casual, we do lots of stuff. And guild chat is fun, always people to group with, help you out or answer questions, or just goof around. If you want, post your info either here or here (long thread but the first few posts explain it, post either place place and you'll get an invite asap. Even if you aren't on tarnished coast you cna join, we have members across all servers, and if something is happening on another server there is a guesting feature so you can temporarily play on another server. If you want to add me as friend, my ingame handle is Vlawde.1895[h=3][/h]