guys i need you to cool me down


New Member
Im nervous as shit!! I just knocked up 7 jars yesterday. Im fucking afraid to death of a contamination!!!

I cooked the jars for 90
Bleached everything like 3 times before knocking them up
Bleachedthere storage.
Had to use a bic light didnt have a alcohol lighter.

But my main concern is i didnt use a glove box!! I used gloves and washed them with 70% alc. And i wore long sleeves and one of them dust masks.

Nervous as shit


Active Member
You CAN do it without the GB but your chances of contam are much higher. You should get a few clean ones though!

shake and bake

This is about shrooms? It's hard for me to even tell based on your post, but I'm not that experienced with it. Sounds crazy...
I need to learn about it.


Well-Known Member
was there any fans on in the room you knocked them up in? how long had the door been closed? enough time for anything in the air to settle? you really should use a glove box all i did for mine was take a small fry size box from a resturaunt, cut two holes in the sides, cut the flaps off the top and put shrink wrap over it. really cheap and well worth it.


New Member
Wow ddnt think bout that! But ac and fans off. Door was never opened
But one batch i did open the pot right after they got done sterilizing


Active Member
ok, so it sounds like you were carefull, and your jars will prob be fine.
Now, here are some extra tips for next time, no need for a GB. Use oust spray heavily in your work room 90 seconds before starting, use iso alchol wipes ( i use paper towel and a dipping bowl full of iso) on the injection sites, immediatly aftter removing flame from needle( make sure it turns red hot) wrap the needle in iso alcohol wipe untill you inject into innoc sites(i bring the needle from flame DIRECTLY to iso wipe then to injection site then right back to flame, and repeat). Have 3M micropore tape cut and ready to cover injection site imediatly after injection AND allready covering injection site you have yet to innoculate. See, after pressure cooking the jars, the trick is to not let anything get in them, so heating the needle sterilizes it, covering it imediatly with iso wipes after heating sheilds/sterilizes it on the way to injection site, sterilizing Injection site with iso serves it obvious purpose, and cover it with micropore tape imediatly after inncoculation seals it off from the outside( you want to have the tape right next to injection site and apply it as you are romoving the needle, minimalizing any exposure time.


the only thing that needs to be sterile is the jar and the spore syringe. it does help to have a clean area though. if your lids are good then you should be fine


Well-Known Member
now you play the waiting some Simpson , roll a joint and wait.Remember you can always make new jars in and try again,the good things with mistakes you can always repeat and try again.smoke a joint

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I put my colonized jars in a ziplock baggie with some pinholes and let it colonize some new cooked BRF and I was fine and I didn't use a glove box either.


New Member
Thanks everyone!! I hate the waiting game but i love loading a bowl lool.
But with the bic lighter and needle i didnt get it red hot because it was like turning the needle black so i stopped there.

Didnt think bout oust. Thanks for all the input i greatly love it


Active Member
my first time i was so paranoid bout contams i had a polyfill layer and verm layer in the jar, followed by micropore tape and a coffee filter draped and rubberbanded over the lid, it took the jar like 1.5 months to we all start somewhere, better to be over paranoid than under in this hobby

ohh, dont worry bout the needle turning black, it wont affect anything


New Member
Fack!! I didnt no that. Dammit!! But since it never got red hot it should be fine because when i took the needle out it touched nothing but a bleached counter