Guys I think I need some advice

When was your last watering? Is the medium dry?
Also what's the ambient room temperature?
Is there a chance you have over fed with miracle grow?
What exactly happened, looks like it was growing fine at one point. Give some details of your grow up to this point.
I never added any nutes I had an issue with pests recently I haven't watered since I have gotten out of the hospital which was 2 days ago it feels like house temperature I have a oscallating fan blowing above but I have a blanket covering the closet so no light penetrates inside while thier in the dark period
First off I'd say give them a full water. How long have you been growing them in miracle grow compost? Are you on a 12/12 cycle now for flowering? You will need to start to adding bloom fert to help...
I never added any nutes I had an issue with pests recently I haven't watered since I have gotten out of the hospital which was 2 days ago it feels like house temperature I have a oscallating fan blowing above but I have a blanket covering the closet so no light penetrates inside while thier in the dark period

What was done for the pests? How long were you away in the hospital, did all this happen then? Water if you lift the pot and its very light.
I've been growing them in maricle from since they germinated yeah I'm tryna flower them before they get to big for my closet but I will give them a full water
I'm growing in miracle gro since a seed
Pictures can mislead. Some things look like too much nutrient some to little. Sometimes nutrient lockout occurs & sometimes too dry & too wet. Grower knows what they did so figure that part out. Most soil mixes need no help & I mean none to grow weed. Over watering is biggest mistake along with drying out then seeing water pour through thinking they have watered. Nope it flows through channels & mix stays dry. Wet feet is bane of all weed. If you have a ph test try that it maybe your too acid or alkaline. Don't give it miracle grow is my guess. Go under some nice forest & grab some loam & hand mix it near top of soil. Add earth worm even pop into bigger pot add new soil around root ball & under & over is best fix. If wet add only enough water to new soil to damp not wet & leave a few days. From now on grow organically is my advise.
Spider mites and are achids lol peeled and picked them off I once used Riad a long time ago and the bugs and pest just died and fell off I could see them dropping I been using 12/12 for about 2 weeks starting to see white pistols coming out does this mean it's flowering I didn't transplant yet
Ok, so there's a few issues here... firstly you should have potted them up before flipping to 12/12, if it's only two weeks in I'd pot them up carefully now and as tossweed said try organic medium.
Second, check the weight of the pot when you transplant and before it's fully watered, then ensure the plants are watered 2-4 days or when the pots feel light. You gotta keep checking daily to give em some love!
Thirdly, try adding some ferts with a P and K heavy ratio, start low and build them up till you get to the recommended application.

Have you still got any pest issues or has this cleared up now?

Looking at the guide it looks like a Phosphorous deficiency.. Going into flower with miracle grow will affect your P&K nutrient levels.... Need to get onto some flower nutrients.
Ok, so there's a few issues here... firstly you should have potted them up before flipping to 12/12, if it's only two weeks in I'd pot them up carefully now and as tossweed said try organic medium.
Second, check the weight of the pot when you transplant and before it's fully watered, then ensure the plants are watered 2-4 days or when the pots feel light. You gotta keep checking daily to give em some love!
Thirdly, try adding some ferts with a P and K heavy ratio, start low and build them up till you get to the recommended application.

Have you still got any pest issues or has this cleared up now?
The pests r cleared up I just fully watered them should I wait till the dry a little before transplanting them
The pests r cleared up I just fully watered them should I wait till the dry a little before transplanting them
Good to hear the pest situation is clear, you don't need any further complications. I'd get everything ready to transplant as soon s possible, just wait until the medium is less wet and will hold together. When you transplant, water them in with a high P&K fert but half the recommended strength at first.