Gypsum in coco

High all!!

I am having problem with calcium deficiency in my coco grow, and unfortunately I do not have access to calmag, not even mail order...

I've tried dolomite lime mixed on my coco which only caused lockout issue due to ph problem. I got rid of the dolomite by flushing with shitload of water... So I know dolomite won't work....

Does anyone have any experience with adding gypsum to coco?? I've been told that it will work on coco and gypsum will not affect ph like dolomite does.

TIA Guyss....
Anyone care to chime in??
I did an experiment with 2 pint of RO water @ph4.5, added 4 heaping tablespoonful of gypsum. PH went up only to 6.5...... added a drop of phosphoric acid and ph went down again to 3.6...
Then did another test with tap water @ph7.5, went up to 8.5....

When I did similar experiment with dolomite, PH went up to 10 +...

So I guess gypsum does raise ph a bit, but it is not a stubborn high ph like dolomite or hydrated lime... Wikipedia mentioned that gypsum is a mix of naturally occuring phosphoric acid and calcium...

Still undecided whether it is going to be safe for coco grow or not.. Still waiting for someone with experience on this to chime in...


Well-Known Member
You could try amending with sulfur as well to lower the ph. I have no experience with it, but I saw a Clackamas Coot interview where he recommended coco growers amend with gypsum. You could experiment with difference ratios with gypsum and sulfur to get the right coco ph.