Had a big scare


Active Member
So I chickened out on my grow operation. I had everything but the lights setup, Pump was pumping sprayers were spraying, fans were spinning- I was waiting for my paycheck to come in to get some lights. Then, a drunk driver took out a power box in front of my house, I had seven cop cars out in front, and at one point I had two cops standing less than a foot away from where the grow operation would be.
I live in a state where I would face mandatory prison time if I were caught.
Do you think in these circumstances the police would have been suspicious had my lights been on? The only opening for smell would have been on the other side of the house. through a set of french doors.
If I decide to grow after all, is there any additional steps I can take besides odor and light elimination?


that is scarey..but they would have no reason to go snooping in your shit especially without a warrant..i wouldnt sweat it...just make sure nothing inside could be seen