Hair drug test:FACTS


Active Member
OK so I recently got hired at a drug testing facility. I have the facts about hair drug testing and there not very good either. There is no way to pass a hair drug test no matter what companies say. They test the inside of your hair not the outside and these companies claim to clean the inside which is BS. They only take a .5 inch of hair so thats all that will be tested. The only way to pass is to stop using,let hair grow .5 inch,then cut off half inch. That is the only way! No other way! No matter what people told you or you read on the web! Now of course for urine just get some synthetic and let it heat to 90-100 degrees and you will pass every time. Saliva tests just stop using 36 hrs prior. Please people don't go spending money you don't have to get a job to just be more broke. Take it from somebody who does drug tests it's not worth the money,stress or hassle. BTW .5 inch of hair is usually grown in 1 month.

P.S. It is always better to let hair grow 3/4 inch then cut off the 3/4 inch. Just for assurance in case a little more is left in a cpl strands when getting tested.
Or shave/wax all your body hair off then there is no option for testing hair :-) Honestly guv, I have alopecia!!