i wish i wound would have checked this forum before i had to take my hair follicle test, everyones info would have helped. i was going to be a manager for this restaurant and had give a hair follicle and failed it. i did the shampoo and like everyone has said it didnt work. i was clean for atleast a month and a half, and they told me i had substantial amounts of thc in my system. the fucked up thing is they never told me they were going to hair follicle test me until i had signed the contract, they had just referred to it as a screening, so i figured piss test.
i do have a way to pass it well bypass it that i figured out once i was on the "inside". involves a fake i.d with your name and a clean friend. Since you take the test at a clinic where the people dont know who you are. get you clean friend a fake i.d with your name and info on it and im sure you get where im going. just hope you can trust that they are really clean. i guarantee this works because the doctor just glanced at my id to see if it was me, i could have looked like chubacca and she wouldnt have noticed.
hope my fuck ups, keep other fuck ups, hooked up.