Hairs changing color before trichomes form?


Well-Known Member
Hey every1! I'm new to this site, and fairly new to growing. I have 3 females that are in thier 3rd week of flowering, not sure what strain just a couple of mystery seeds I got from a good batch I came across. I am already seeing bud production and tons of white hairs. On 1 of my girls I'm already seeing hairs changing to a rusty orange color, not much, just a few here and there. But still I am seeing no signs of trichomes. Yes, I am looking under a magnifieing glass but still don't see 'em. Do the hairs usually start to change color before you see trichomes forming? Also, do they form at the top before anywhere else, or should I look at every potential bud site. So ease my worried mind and let me know what, where, and when I should be seeing my ever so precious trichomes!:wall:


Well-Known Member
Some strains do not produce trich's until very late into flowering, if you are only 3 weeks into flowering you still have at least 5 weeks to go probally at the earliest. By the time your trich's are getting cloudy and amber pretty much all the hairs will be orange. You got to remember the plant really steps up the trich production and THC because it is die'n essentially. Dont worry they will come but there may not be alot as you dont know the strain and some produce a very crystally bud and some do not.


Well-Known Member
Thanx SikSol. I appreciate the quick replie. This was the exzact awnser I was looking for! Now, can you please tell me where the trichomes will first appear? All replies are welcome!


Well-Known Member
Great questions bro.... I'm growing for the first time (bagseed) and in 3rd day of flowering!! had not thought to tackling those questions yet, but nice... i'll keep checking back to see the answers, and you keep up the questions...

Thanx SikSol. I appreciate the quick replie. This was the exzact awnser I was looking for! Now, can you please tell me where the trichomes will first appear? All replies are welcome!


Well-Known Member
Your trichs will first appear typically in the bud then depending on strain spread out the leaves from the center


Well-Known Member
Once again.. thanx SikSol. My stoner ass spent hours lookin for these awnsers before I came upon this site! RUI is the shit! Another question for you guys. Will my final product be the exzact same as the bud I got the seeds from, or can I better it with TLC? Not sure how good you guys our with your strains but any ideas on what mine mighy be if I told you it looks like a 60/40 Indica dominant, and smells like skunk/lemons? All replies are welcome!


Well-Known Member
Could make some guesses on the strain but really couldnt tell you for sure there are so many variants and hybrids out there. As for if you final product will be as good or better than the bud you got it from I cant tell you. You dont know if the male the polinated it was of the same strain if it wasnt then you got a different plant on your hands then what you smoked. Also it depends how good the grower was that grew what you smoked and how good you are at growing what you got. Just try your best and in the end the reward is just knowing that you pulled it off and grew your own smoke, now if its some bomb ass shit on top of that then its a bonus. Good luck and hope you got some good stuff there.

Mr. Dank

Active Member
i grew from a bagseed to. my plant is in its 9th week of flowering and within the last 2 weeks i had some trich explosion. my girl is like 4 feet tall and the buds are finally startn to plump up nicley. since it was bag seed the buds werent quite as big as i would have expected since it was my first grow but bud is bud and its white and ccrystal covered so are the leaves. smells deliscious. thinking im gonna give it another week since im trying to figure the trich thing out. got my magnifier and some of the trichs are cloudy but i would say more clear trichs than cloudy. already kinda started the flush process as my plant uses the nute water its setting in i replace it with regular water. so my thing is when to acually chop. how much longer should i wait. and the weird thing is im getting more bud sites now at week 9 crazy. i think. help if you can


Well-Known Member
chop when about 30% of the trich's are amber at least thats when I like too. Kinda works like this if you chop when they are mostly clear more of a "head high" if you chop when they are mostly amber more of a "body high" or "stoned out on the couch" kind of high. A good rule of thumb though is when the trichs are 20-30% amber chop it.

Mr. Dank

Active Member
So will i definately know when they start to turn amber. and should this be on all parts of the plant so should sample a certain section first. and im having new leaf growth at new bud sights is this normal


Well-Known Member
Hey Mr. Dank. Sounds like your grow is going great! I have a few questions... Were you selective when picking which seeds to plant, how many females did you end up with? How long did you veg for? What size were they when put them into flowering? Did you top/supercrop them at all? What kind of lights did you use through veg/flowering phase? Just want to compare to see what kind of yield/quality I could be looking at. I know their diffrent but who knows?


Well-Known Member
Loving every question on this thread!!! Thanks Midnight for being a couple of weeks ahead on similar circumstances of growth, and asking all those questions!!! They are definitely going to help me along with my own grow.... I can ask is that you do keep us posted on how your grow is going and maybe put pics up! we all wish you well!!!

Sik, we meet again, i'm the beer lover! Thanks for the help and the cool advice.... same thing goes to Mr. D!
I'll keep looking back even after Midnight is done with his grow!!


Well-Known Member
My timer recently broke, so I've been turning on/off lights by hand. Last night, I fell asleep and left lights on for 3 1/2 extra hours during 12/12 cycle. Will this effect the flowering phase? What should I do to get it back on track?


Well-Known Member
i'm in the same boat. my plants are 20 days flowering. do you have to have a magnifying glass to check the trichs? also, if you have leaves full of trichomes can they be smoked? i would think there is no sense in just throwing them out? but idk.


Well-Known Member
Midnight it will add a little stress to your plants but not enough to cause them to re-veg. Just make shure you get them back on the 12/12 cycle right away and try to not let it happen any more. Yes you really need a magnifying glass to really see if they are clear or cloudy,amber, or at least a camera capable of really good zoom and focus. You can pick up a cheap little magnifying scope from places like Radioshack where they use them to work on small electronics. The new leaf growth at the bud site is normal. I dont think i missed any questions.


Active Member
If you dont have a magnifying glass you can use a good pair of binoculars but use them in reverse look through the end with larger lenses. My binoculars are 10 x 50 (91m at 1000m) they do the job for me.

Mr. Dank

Active Member
midnight. no i wasnt selective on picking the seed. i just keep seeds from good shit that i come across i had acually only planted two one turned out to be a male and the other a female. i veged them both for about 4 weeks when they were about 8 in. tall and am currently in the 9th week of flower. never did top the plant kinda wished i would have since i was a first time grower i didnt want to mess shit up but now my plant is 4ft tall (shes a beaut) i vegged with 4 65 watt cfl and as i went into flower i popped in a 150 watt hps to her soem extra juice. i have been using the gh 3 part nute line(cant go wrong just floow as said on bottle) and when flower i added a bloom booster by gh called liquid koolbloom. helped out termendously. my buds are white and covered in crystals and justlast night before i went to bed i check the trichs again and wapow there amber and cloudy. so my beloved baby is taking the chop this morning. i have been doing a dwc grow easy thought all of this would be alot harder. i ll get back on here and try to put picks of the buds after i take her down. peace brothers.