Half way through flower on big sativas, do I spread the kolas when I spray the organic pesticide?


Active Member
Hello, as I stated I have some 8 foot sativas that are maybe halfway through flower. I’m seeing a lot of little guys flying around and already pulled 4 caterpillars. I’m worried about burning pistils and mold if I get deep in the kolas but it seems like they are SO hairy now that I need to spread them and get it in there (sounds naughty). I don’t see people doing that in videos…please help.



Active Member
I am a newbie, but why is finding a caterpillar bad. Obviously it'll eat the plants, but I don't think that should be a reason for alarm. You're outdoors, I'd expect a few for sure. Now I do see some white splotching on your fan leaves. Idk if that's powdered mold or bird poop haha.

Outside of that I don't see what's wrong tbh. Educate me?


Active Member
I am a newbie, but why is finding a caterpillar bad. Obviously it'll eat the plants, but I don't think that should be a reason for alarm. You're outdoors, I'd expect a few for sure. Now I do see some white splotching on your fan leaves. Idk if that's powdered mold or bird poop haha.

Outside of that I don't see what's wrong tbh. Educate me?
Hey there! Good eye…white splotches are from the cheap lattice that I bought, it has white dye in it and when the morning mist condenses it drips those spots. Just have to wipe them off occasionally but I missed a lot. Also bird shit is rampant! So…caterpillars are absolute monsters! Mind you, I don’t kill them when I find them, I save them for my buddies lizard. They hide DEEP into your biggest kolas. They eat the stem burrowing inside out and shit all over the interior of your bud causing bud rot. If you don’t find it fast enough it will spread through the whole plant and the hundreds of hours of work, money, time, sweat and blood is turned to shitty rot! Let me tell you, they are an absolute terror in the garden!
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Active Member
Hey there! Good eye…white splotches are from the cheap lattice that I bought, it has white dye in it and when the morning mist condenses it drips those spots. Just have to wipe them off occasionally but I missed a lot. Also bird shit is rampant! So…caterpillars are absolute monsters! Mind you, I don’t kill them when I find them, I save them for my buddies lizard. They hide DEEP into your biggest kolas. They eat the stem burrowing inside out and shit all over the interior of your bud causing bud rot. If you don’t find it fast enough it will spread through the whole plant and the hundreds of hours of work, money, time, sweat and blood is turned to shitty rot! Let me tell you, they are an absolute terror in the garden!
Ahhh well yes caterpillars sound very awful haha. Here I was imagining just a few fan leaves nibbled on. Well for the cats, best thing I read was to: introduce parasitic wasps(who TF has those lol), buy and introduce praying mantis, or neem oil.

When I grew outside, I did use neem oil probably mid veg once every week or two, kept the pests down decently. I stopped at flower week 2 or so though. You're at what looks like week 4-6 flower. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable comes along