Halloween Regalia

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I have a halloween bash to attend next month and it's a toss-up (shut up ~cn) between body paint and a being almost naked costume (thus ensuring my nipples will frost over and fall off) or as Zack Brannigan from Futurama (thus ensuring my penis will frost over and fall off). Although I may not have the legs, or white gogo boots, to pull it off.

Sooo.. who is going as what?


Ursus marijanus
I have a halloween bash to attend next month and it's a toss-up (shut up ~cn) between body paint and a being almost naked costume (thus ensuring my nipples will frost over and fall off) or as Zack Brannigan from Futurama (thus ensuring my penis will frost over and fall off). Although I may not have the legs, or white gogo boots, to pull it off.

Sooo.. who is going as what?
You rang?

I have a real scythe, but cannot find a suitable cloak (Medieval hoodie) to complete my preferred costume. cn


Well-Known Member
love Halloween but cant even afford to buy what i want because every time i move something breaks or i have thrown it out.


Well-Known Member
I am only posting because I love you; you most definitely have the legs... but I'd like to see you wearing just paint TBH

And you're like my sexy gay uncle so it's not 'wrong' x

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I am only posting because I love you; you most definitely have the legs... but I'd like to see you wearing just paint TBH

And you're like my sexy gay uncle so it's not 'wrong' x
But they're all skinny and knobby. I don't have the thighs for gogo boots. :p



Well-Known Member
I say go as ZAPP Brannigan. Havnt decided what I'm gonna be this year but Halloween is my favorite time of year. My friend and I might be going as Wayne and Garth.


Well-Known Member
I am going to be either Frank Zappa or a viking warlord for Halloween, and I think I might be to skinny for the Viking Warlord look..


Well-Known Member
Your legs are fucking awesome. You could crack walnuts with those thighs. You make me want to ditch the swish and date the bitch. ;)
Lol I probably could, however unladylike it'd be but thankyou x No need to ditch... One coud always swing both ways, and you already know nothing attracts women like a man who kisses other boys. (and the wonderful personality you have x)

I usually will be one of these two guys...it gives me a chance to wear my leather pants {and not be laughed at}
Axl Rose... Please.... Oh.. My...
