Hanna Ph meter question

So my tester just arrived in the mail today, however, instead of them sending me the 7.01 calibration solution they sent me cleaning solution. Is there anything I can use to calibrate my meter in the meantime before I get the proper solutions?


Well-Known Member
So my tester just arrived in the mail today, however, instead of them sending me the 7.01 calibration solution they sent me cleaning solution. Is there anything I can use to calibrate my meter in the meantime before I get the proper solutions?
uh oh, i might have this same prob....what is calibration? i should be getting my hanna tester any day now, i got it off ebayfor 32$, but i thoughyt all i would have to do is stick it in the water and it will tell me the ph lvl....but now im hearing about nthis strange word....callibration...im lost =(

Illegal Smile

You can use distilled water which is 7.0. I would use it except storage solution is needed (cleaning solution) so I use 7.01 calibration solution for that. Someone will probably say distilled water is not reliable enough, each to their own. If we were trying to measure pH down to the .01 then I would agree we need not one but 2 point calibration. But the truth is, even .1 doesn't really matter in what we are doing.