Happy loner stoner?


Well-Known Member
Well fuck it guys. people only hurt you so I have decided to say fuck off to everyone and start a new life that only requires myself and mary jane (pot lol). But honestly, I need people in my life to be happy even though people are dicks. So I have a few questions....

1. Is anyone a happy loner stoner here? Like a real one, not somebody that barely goes out...I mean someone that never goes out because they prefer to be alone.
2. How can I cope with not having anybody in my life?
3. blahhhh?
4. Does anyone else feel like I do based on my threads and posts?

This anti-social thing is gonna be a miserably horrible quest to happiness.


Well-Known Member
I would say I leave my house less than most. i cant really stand even being in public, I just see lemmings running around a maze. I am not part of their struggle. i do my own thing, i stay out of the way, I TRY to stay high.

I can go days with out even talking to people. I have cardboard on my windows because curtains dont work good enough. Completely single, was with a chick for a while, but im just tired of the constant nagging.

I dont have a phone, no cell, nuthn. I hate em, the sound of a phone ringing cuts through me... If sum one is important enough to have my IM then thats how they get me.

Its not that I hate people either, I have love and respect for the earth and all its inhabitants, I just cant stand the behavior that humans have, and cant stand how they treat each other. I know the problem is above my paygrade, so I dont even bother trying anymore, no one ever listens.

I dont think its hard at all. i have a couple of good friends, they come over, I may venture to their place, but not often. have RIU now, but iv bounced around a few diff sites over the years, but have now moved to a new community. The grass was greener on this side of the fence.....


Well-Known Member
Well fuck it guys. people only hurt you so I have decided to say fuck off to everyone and start a new life that only requires myself and mary jane (pot lol). But honestly, I need people in my life to be happy even though people are dicks. So I have a few questions....

1. Is anyone a happy loner stoner here? Like a real one, not somebody that barely goes out...I mean someone that never goes out because they prefer to be alone.
2. How can I cope with not having anybody in my life?
3. blahhhh?
4. Does anyone else feel like I do based on my threads and posts?

This anti-social thing is gonna be a miserably horrible quest to happiness.
I am a "Happy Lonely Stoner"
But I'm forced to be lonely...New state, no car...
And I'm kinda forced to be happy...(Mania)

BUT, MJ helps. Just connect to it, it's helped me get through A LOT, and this little stint of loneliness that is going on right now for me is NOTHING compared to jail, or crazy meth heads, or having a gun in my face...

So in a way, I am perfectly happy and satisfied, being perfectly happy and satisfied...
There could be more going on...
There could be less going on...

I'm fine without a gun in my face, or a lock and a steel door. :D

I haven't read all your posts, so I'm not sure if I feel like you. I'll read some now(after this post)...

You'll make it.


Well-Known Member
im a loner stoner and im happy as hell with it. the main reason i am is because people are too shady and i dont feel like tryin to read them to see if they hold true to the things they say an do. i have a small circle of friends that are battle tested when it comes to havin my back or not and they're still my friends...fuck that they're my family because they didnt choose to dip or drop a dime on me.

buddha webb

New Member
I left my home when i was about 25yrs old to go see the world cos i didnt enjoy being with people,and it was difficult being alone when you live in a small town from when your a kid. I preffered my own company im 40 now.6 yrs ago,after a drug induced coma,i came out of hospital and headed for the hills,,i need solitude,food,ganga and safety....i got all this,,,i met my wife....i now have a life with a daughter and a wife,,but i have my own serenity and undisturbed peace and quiet for the evening,this was a deal i made with the wife,,i told her " i love you,but i dont like being with people,so i need the evenings alone,and i meant alone,,,and still do,,im on the roof under my shelter with my laptop,and there all down stairs inside,,my family will leave me alone cos they understand that i really need my own time,,,,they understand completely,,in fact cos of me,they all have there own space sometimes telling the rest that .."there doin a dad"...which means they want to be alone.....B

buddha webb

New Member
I believe people NEED to be alone for a good 50% of the time...im certainly not designed for socialising all the time,,i want my kids to be aware that own time is normal and never to feel awkward or have to explain yourself when you want to be alone,this is mistaken for being an introvert by extraverts.....to simply say,,,just wanna go be by myself for a bit,should be understood by most people.............
Heph 420 i do understand you,my problem was i didnt want to be around people,but had no choice,they wouldnt leave me alone,,so i left..blah blah...what happened to me though was i went from fairly serious intravert drug addict,to a stranger in a strange country with no access to shit....i ended up in a relationship where i get the family,but after 3pm its me on the roof or beach,and im happy for that...maybe theres a deal you can strike with yourself,try socialise,but your times your time so thats when everyone must kindly fuck off....B.
ps.stoned but do undertstand,having problems explaining.............to be honest having problems seeing,,,Laos sativa.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I am definatly a loner stoner, after HS i just got sick of smoking people up and rarely having the favor returned. theres only one chica i smoke with and she is really the only person i chill with more than once a month. life is just alot easier and cheaper having no social life. when i had a shitload of friends i was always broke or hungover. When i quit drinking when i was 20 that was it. i stopped going out at all. now i spend money on things i really need and not just fun things. I think the only downside is i havnt gotten laid in a couple years :-? its sad but jackin off still feels good.

so yea my quality of life has gotten better by ten fold since i started my lonesome lifestyle.

buddha webb

New Member
Thinking about it more,
it may be a cycle.Ive had years of recluse and then ive gone out for a cupla yrs,then gone recluse,gone out,stay in....im going through a 5 year semi recluse at the moment,,i can feel the sociapath in me wanting to show his michievious grin tho!:twisted::joint:


Active Member
I am a true stoner loner. I bought land in the mountains of Idaho, 20 miles to the nearest neighbor, I built a cabin by myself up there and plan to retire there when I sell my house here. I like being left alone. stayin stoned.coming and going as I please. Not answering to anybody. you only get one life, live it by your own rules.


Well-Known Member
I like being alone and all but not having human contact after a while gets to me really badly.


Well-Known Member
well i understand where you are coming from ... im just 23 and for the last 2 years ive been lonely ,,
i mean i have a girlfriend but that dont compensate for the lost friendships.
At first i had a major problem with being alone , it was hard and confusing why nobody wanted to be around me.
but now i find peace with being alone even though at time it can be depressing. all i say is it takes time to get used to ..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Living a lonely life rocks. Allows you to save a shit ton of money :) I chose this lifestyle, people generally just get pissed off that i won't phone them or talk or go out etc, no thankyou, gonna sit at home and enjoy my evening thanks :)