Hard Water


Active Member
So I am having a problem with the water I am using. The water I access is very hard and I think it actually may contain lead/rust in a rather large amount. I have a dwc setup and the res gets black resin coating the entire bottom. I have been getting ro water but I do not have access to it at all times. I know that they make nuts that are for hard water but I do not want to get new nuts when I have a large amount left. Does anyone know anything to add to the water to make it a little less hard? I know you can put espon salt but I was wondering more along the lines of h202 or something along those lines. Ideas?
Try a Scalewatcher salt-less water conditioner- uses cutting edge "green" technology.
It really works, it's easy to install,
and it's maintenance free.
A MAJOR PLUS: With the Scalewatcher you don't have to condition the water before fertilizing, and the plants will need less water (the service tension of the water is decreased...)
Check out Aqua Genesis:


Well-Known Member
u can always use distilled water..give it half distilled water and half tap, that would make it less hard FOR SURE..besides that i would say just get RO water, u can even mix that with your tap to make it "less hard".