hardest hit?


Active Member
What's the hardest hit you've ever taken?
Mine was a hit from a homemade bong made out of a 2 liter and a couple feet of garden hose.. doesn't sound impressive but it was definitely the hardest hit I've ever had.. had me hella stoned off some reggie almost a year ago


Well-Known Member
We got a "beer bong" from Memphis in May one year. It was this beaker looking giant tall cup thing that you wore around your neck and drank beer out of with a straw. It was about 4 1/2 feet tall.

My friend made a bong out of it. I think being a bong was its original calling in life.

I filled it 3 times, then cleared it. We had to leave the room after I exhaled.


gravity bong a gallon milk jug in a big ass cooler or sometimes a bathtub filled with water