Harvest at night or................


Well-Known Member
i was wondering if there is any real diff in harvesting during the day or waiting until night time any feed is helpful :weed:


Well-Known Member

Virtually no difference, the plant is alive so the THC doesn't degrade much through the day. I've found absolutely no difference, just letting the plant flower a few more hours out of more than a thousand.



Well-Known Member
this isnt a fact, just what i noticed in this years harvest.....i had two plants of very similar strains, one was chopped mid day, and the second was chopped at 8 AM this morning, now from what i saw; the plant harvested this morning was full of trichs compared to the other.
And on another note, i wasnt too happy with the second plant during the time i was flushing--i would go water each afternoon and check the trichs(which there werent too many) however on this morning it was covered in fresh crystals. i cant say what the exact reason was, but i feel that it had something to do with it being harvested right after a dark cycle............this is just my observation though


Well-Known Member
Mel Frank conducted an experiment where he found that THC levels at night were as much as 10% higher than in the day. Kinda makes sense since light is the top degrader of THC (enough to form a hypothesis) The 10% higher was a peak, not all night harvests were that much higher. His test was not specifically to determine light/dark changes, so it's not a perfect experiment, but is by far the most conclusive evidence I have seen either way on the subject. Off the top of my head he describes his experiment and includes the data in the Marijuana Growers: Insiders Guide, as well as the revised one he wrote with ed rosenthal.
Bro harvest at the time right before your lights are supposed to come on. Your plant has been asleep 12hrs not using its energy in creating fruit. It swells up at this point cause it knows its time to feed and so when you chop her energy is still being pushed into the bud meaning better drying and curing and tasting bud. Do a little test, smell your bud right when your lights come on then smell it through out the day you will see it for yourself


Well-Known Member

I think about it like this: If you harvest your plant tonight will it be more potent when you clip or 4 weeks from now.

If Mel Frank's results from his experiment are accurate then there are other factors to consider, such as decarboxylation. There is very little THC in the trichs at harvest, THCA until decarboxylized. I've read posts on this forum about the THCA not degrading while the plant is alive, I don't know if that is accurate but I've read it several times.

Does anyone know how Mel got his results? Mass spectrometer? How did he determine the cannaboid mix?



Well-Known Member
like everyone else says broski its "best" to harvest in the night hours or early morning. I notice that during a chilly night the next morning buds look 2x are frosty as they due in mid afternoon. observation
i think i will try this out i have 2 white widow plants almost ready to harvest i will pull one in the day and one at night and let you know what i find :)