Harvest before too high THC


Active Member
Hey Guys,
I grew my first crop 6 months ago and let the trichomes get about 10-20 % amber.
As a result my Weed was SUPER strong. This isn’t great for me as high thc gives me anxiety.
I use it in the evening prior to bed as I’m an insomniac. Too high and I can t sleep.

I have a new crop that will soon be ready to harvest. If I harvest it with milky trichomes, as opposed to amber, will it be less potent ?

I have grown and tried Cbd and it doesn’t seem to work for me to get to sleep.

Thanks for the picture chart. Not sure how long I should let them go now lol. More amber?Chart shows more couch lock. not sure.
I have grown and tried Cbd and it doesn’t seem to work for me to get to sleep.

Thanks for the picture chart. Not sure how long I should let them go now lol. More amber?Chart shows more couch lock. not sure.
More amber is your best bet for a relaxing, body high.
In addition, you can buy cbd strains that aren't just cbd. Just much higher level.
Example, rec weed will have 20-30% THC and 3-7% cbd, while cbd heavy strains can be closer to 15% and 15%
More amber always sounds amazing, but you have to wait forever to harvest and im not patient once those buds get frosty :weed:
I heard after 70% amber, the thc levels decrease significantly.
You ever try making Green dragon tincture? Helps put me to sleep
Try using different smoking vessels/techniques, rather than opting to pick early. If anything, earlier weed give me a more racy/anxiety filled high. If you wait longer, and get to 50%+ amber, you'd get a more relaxed couch lock high.

Try to use a one hitter or something similarly small so you dont overdo it. Or maybe make edibles or vape oils.. it will change the high a bit, and give you a way to regulate your intake a bit closer.
it's actually ALL the properties of Cannabinoids that factor into what exactly You're looking for..

Not just THC & CBD..You have THCV and CBG or CBN I forget..Their percentage or lack thereof plays a percentage of

What you may be looking for so ...Look at places that actually break it down (ex. Leafly) Then You can plug in some of those strains you may think is what you're looking for without the detailed report...You may just find something that hits home..

sensi seeds do a noce hindu kusk x cbd kush look for number #49 on the lable and i suffer from chronic anxiaty attacks whilst smoking all of a sudden started up 15 odd yrs ago. stopped me from smokin and growing for that long and now im happily smoking it on a dayly basis
Letting your weed go amber doesn't make it any more relaxing or give it any more body high. Grow a strain that's known for it's body high and relaxing properties.
you can grow cbd pure strains seedsman do one also they do a cbg plant too, ive just got both with some 3 nice pink critical kush i think.
but you can also puy pure broad spectrum isolate powders to take with your weed to mellow it out
Letting your weed go amber doesn't make it any more relaxing or give it any more body high. Grow a strain that's known for it's body high and relaxing properties.
Incorrect. Flowers that are have a higher percentage of amber trichomes will give you more of a couch-lock high. Higher percentage cloudy trichomes will give you more of a cerebral high.
The more amber it is the more of a couch lock or sleep enabling high it will provide (because more THC has been converted to THCa .

Maybe do some research (read: smoke) strains to find one of the ones that gives less anxiety, anxiety is a serious problem I encounter too, so I just try and seek out strains that are known for producing less of it (generally speaking for myself anyways i like pure indicas for the couch high or whatever, too much anxiety as it is I dont need more of a head stone lol).
I’m same anxiety there’s certain strains that literally have sent me into psychosis grew shiva once never again - all my mates loved it shits fucking crazy So a lot is down to strain I personal like making edibles with low strength coco oil find it a lot calmer buzz Hope you do find something that can help you ☮️