Harvest Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have a harvest dilemma coming up. I have 3 Diesel Ryders ready to come down soon. They will be 8 weeks in 2 days. The thing is I am going out of town 6 days from now for two days. I am wondering if I should A)chop right before I leave and let them dry while I am out of town OR B) chop in a couple of days, let them dry, then throw them in jars before I go out of town. I know I have to burp my jars, so I am not really sure if they would be OK in jars for 48 hours without being burped. With option A, they would be hanging to dry while I am gone for a couple days....but with this being only my second ever harvest I was wanting to keep an eye on them while they dried.

So if I go with option B would my recently dried buds be OK in jars without being burped for 48 hours? Here are a couple pictures of them. One plant which is not pictured didnt really get bushy, but got taller than the rest and suffered some burning on a couple bud sites. They are outdoors and where I live it is hot as Hades right now.

Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading! PIctures were taken at 7 weeks.Number 2 023.jpg

Number 2 010.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea i think you should chop em down, place the whole plants with fan leaves and all upside down in a dark COOL room with odor control and return to smokable, cure-ready buds.

i dont like the idea of jarring the buds and not burping at first ...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick response. I have been checking my trichomes everyday and I hope they can make it another 5 days, but they are about where I want them right now.


Well-Known Member
maybe try this ...

wait 3 more days then place them in the dark for 48 hours and then chop them and go on vacation.


Active Member
Looks like you will be fine letting not even chopping them. Leave them in there pots till the day you leave. Continue to water with ph'd water. The day you leave place them in a dark place with ventilation. When you come back your plants will be ready to to hang and you will be home so you wont have to worry about mold or oh shit whats going on at home with my plants iI spent so much time on.


Well-Known Member
So I went to see my plants right after posting this thread. The plant in the second picture of my original thread I noticed some funk inside the buds. Fearing the worst, I chopped her today. Here is a picture of what I think may be bud rot:


That's the best picture I could grab...taken on an iPhone 4.0. I know a buddy who could diagnose this so I have to hit him up today. I'll post a couple other pictures of my salvaged harvest later. Thanks again for the help!


Well-Known Member
I didn't foliar spray during flowering. THing is, it has been hot and humid as hell and we have usually had a pop up thunderstorm every couple days the past week where it only rains for 10 minutes or so, but it rains HARD. These plants are outside guerilla style so not much else I can do.