Harvest Every 2 Weeks Sog Style (pics!!) Master Kush!


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody, This is my first grow and first grow journal. Im doing AL B FUCT's Sog harvest every 2 weeks set up ( https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html ). After months of research and reading articles im finaly ready to begin.

Yesterday i picked up 6 master kush clones from the clinic which will be my mother plants. they have rooted but not busted out with roots, I put them in 6" pots filled with rockwool cubes hand watered them with ph 5.8 water. Now they are in my 2x2 ebb n flow system which is set to flood 3 times a day for 5 min ( about half way up the pot). It floods with ph 5.7 water with 550 ppm of flora nova grow, I will put more nutes as plants get a little bigger. I also have a 2.6x2.5 ft grow tent for my clones which i will be using a 60site EZ cloner.

After my mothers are ready i will cut clones and once they are rooted place them directly in 12/12 lighting with no veg time. My flowering room is a 7'10"x7'10" darkroom grow hut. I have 4 3x3 ebb n flows in there each one to represent 2 weeks of flowering. So i will harvest every 2 weeks. Im using 2 1k watt lights, 1 for each pair of ebb n flow systems. I have a huge carbon filter forgot what size it is but i have a picture. Im going to put 15or20 6" pots in each ebb n flow tray.
Im hoping for 1/2 ounce to an ounce per plant :hump:

Here are some pictures of my newly rooted clones being veged to become my mother plants. Any suggestions? DO they look ok?

my first grow so im still a super super noob any help would be great!


(ill post pics every week)


Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
With a system designed to cut a few corners, you dont seem to be cutting any. It all looks good, set-up is good and ur clones look the biz.

Very well done so far and keep it up


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Their leaves look a little droopy anybody know why?

Im going to try to update with pictures and information atleast twice a week.

Any suggestions, comments, help would be much appreciated =)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
wow many, that is the most un-newbish newb setup ever! thats pretty farout man! and is that giant ass (size of carpet roll) tube your carb filter!? my god if it is- great looking set up, cant wait to see it through- i am looking to learn Al B Fucts technique of SOG through your grow! Best of luck


Well-Known Member

My finger is about where the plants tip is, Do you guys think that the light is to close?
I use the 8bulb
Pioneer T5 lighting but i only keep 4 bulbs on right now.

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
With t 5's you could even get closer- the closer the better with t-5's- they really dont get hot- leave an inch or so below the lights and u should be fine



Well-Known Member
Hey, nice setup, you dont look like a newbie to me. That's a pretty, and expensive setup for a newbie. Must have some unmentioned insight....lol. Very nice though my friend. I will be tuned. Good growing.


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody, This is my first grow and first grow journal. Im doing AL B FUCT's Sog harvest every 2 weeks set up ( https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html ). After months of research and reading articles im finaly ready to begin.

Yesterday i picked up 6 master kush clones from the clinic which will be my mother plants. they have rooted but not busted out with roots, I put them in 6" pots filled with rockwool cubes hand watered them with ph 5.8 water. Now they are in my 2x2 ebb n flow system which is set to flood 3 times a day for 5 min ( about half way up the pot). It floods with ph 5.7 water with 550 ppm of flora nova grow, I will put more nutes as plants get a little bigger. I also have a 2.6x2.5 ft grow tent for my clones which i will be using a 60site EZ cloner.

After my mothers are ready i will cut clones and once they are rooted place them directly in 12/12 lighting with no veg time. My flowering room is a 7'10"x7'10" darkroom grow hut. I have 4 3x3 ebb n flows in there each one to represent 2 weeks of flowering. So i will harvest every 2 weeks. Im using 2 1k watt lights, 1 for each pair of ebb n flow systems. I have a huge carbon filter forgot what size it is but i have a picture. Im going to put 15or20 6" pots in each ebb n flow tray.
Im hoping for 1/2 ounce to an ounce per plant :hump:

Here are some pictures of my newly rooted clones being veged to become my mother plants. Any suggestions? DO they look ok?

my first grow so im still a super super noob any help would be great!


(ill post pics every week)

You could fit more clones into your table if you use square pots. I have the same table and i can fit 15 4"x4" pots in my 2x2 table. Check out my journal and you can see what i am talking about.
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Well-Known Member
im a firsttimegrowerr super noob that did alot of research haha
Thanks to everyone with there help.

Hope you guys will help me along the way! =)


Well-Known Member
Its been 4 days since i got my clones and transplanted them. I changed the watering to 1x a day for 3 min because the rockwool cubes can hold alot of water ( correct me if this is wrong (= ) I also am starting to change the lighting to 18/6 instead of 24hours a day that way theyll stretch for the light and get bigger.

But my leaves are still very droopy im not sure if its because there still comming back from the shock? Or anybody have any suggestions? Here are some pics



Active Member
They look good, it's a bit of a rough time in their lives right now. I gotta say though, in my opinion...they look a little thirsty? Maybe 3 mins once a day isn't enough...12 hours after they go off you should go and hand water a few of them again and see if you notice a difference...if they really want the water they should perk up after getting it..especially since it would have been 12 hours since they last saw any.

I know the rockwool cubes hold a lot of water but....once a day doesn't quite seem enough for an ebb and flow in those conditions. Especially if these plants have really started to develop some roots down there!

But then again...i haven't even flowered my first crop :) I do like to read though... A LOT.



Well-Known Member
Thanks lollipoka but those pictures were taken right after they were flooded and they dont seem to perk up at all =(. Hopefully its just because there recovering from the shock.


Well-Known Member
-subscribed- looks really good bro. i have some clones but, were the leaves already trimmed? if not, did you just cut them with scissors? my clones have yellow tips.


Active Member
This sounds like a retarded question to ask I know but...were the clones fully rooted before you put them in that setup? Seems like it is possible that the plant is not strong enough to support all that foliage and is giving up on the lower stuff.



Well-Known Member
I think your right, They had roots showing but not busting out. What should i now?
Just let them do what they need to do?

I really appriciate you helping me lollipopka =)