Harvest one plant a week? 400w HPS, 150w HPS


Active Member
Hello every one, I would like some help planning a small scale perpetual grow.

As my state laws say I can legally grow 12 plants. My plan is to have 2 mother and 2 clones in a veg room set up with a150w HPS and some CFL's

In my flower room I would have 8 plants, each on a different week of flowering.
The plants would be flowering under a 400whps system again with some CFL's for good measure.

A few questions I have, can I flower 8 plants under a 400w? Keep in mind they will each be in a difrent week of flower so most wont be full size.

Also is two weeks enough time to veg my clones before I put them in to the flower room?

Thanks for any insight.


Well-Known Member
nice state laws lucky lol
but you dont want to over grow your space so really depends on your area
i would use both of the hps for the flower stage and use the cfls or floros for the mother plant and clones , there cheaper and they do just fine.
if you wanna take a look go to my sig and check out my journal i started with just floros for a long time and they did just fine!
that extra 150 watt hps would help if you wanted to grow 8
hope this helps!

* heres some pics of what u can do with a single floro



Active Member
Wow very nice.

I'll probably use both of HPS light for flowering.

I just picked up a 2.5'x2.5' 6' cabinet for the veg room. : ) Should be enough space if I flower mothers every so often.

I'm wondering if Id be better off with two mother and 2 clones or three clones and one mother.


Active Member

I would like some more input on the basic idea.

The idea is to have 8 plants flowering, each one a week older than the next so I can harvest a single plant a week.

Will a SOG set up work even if every plant is a week younger than the one before it? I will put the shorter ones on blocks. I can't think of a reason why it won't work but I would still like some input.

I'm going to go with a 5x5 Jarden tent and a 600w HPS for flowering.


Well-Known Member

I would like some more input on the basic idea.

The idea is to have 8 plants flowering, each one a week older than the next so I can harvest a single plant a week.

Will a SOG set up work even if every plant is a week younger than the one before it? I will put the shorter ones on blocks. I can't think of a reason why it won't work but I would still like some input.

I'm going to go with a 5x5 Jarden tent and a 600w HPS for flowering.
Just breezin through... From my own experince so far which is (one grow done second grow in process with clones) your plants even though a week apart may still grow at separate rates. The ones you have in week one could surpass week two it just depends on the plant. I also have a 600 watt for flowering and a high output T5 for veg. I'm thinking of investing in a light mover for perfect even coverage over the plants. I suggest this for you also since you will have about the same amount of plants I do. I noticed the plants I have placed under the edges of my reflector tend to bend toward the actual bulb, and the light mover shall resolve that issue, or like someone stated earlier get a good reflector.


Active Member
You'll do 8 plants under 600w pretty good, no way I'd do it with only 400w. I assume you're using soil and not hydro so you don't have to feed the last couple weeks?

I just 1/4 turn my plants a couple times/day to keep coverage even, I couldn't imagine a light mover in my already too crowded tent :)


Well-Known Member

I would like some more input on the basic idea.

The idea is to have 8 plants flowering, each one a week older than the next so I can harvest a single plant a week.

Will a SOG set up work even if every plant is a week younger than the one before it? I will put the shorter ones on blocks. I can't think of a reason why it won't work but I would still like some input.

I'm going to go with a 5x5 Jarden tent and a 600w HPS for flowering.
Did this ever work out? Im thinking of a 600w 4x4 with 16 plant sog 2 for every week and 4x2 with vegers