Harvest Question.


Well-Known Member
2 days in the dark I understand..

But should the soil be wet or dry...?

I heard wet will add weight during this 2 days in the dark....and I'm not worried about mold or anything. ( plenty of circulation)

So wet or dry ?


Active Member
I wouldn't water the day before harvesting because it just adds on to the time it will take to dry it. You don't want to starve the plants for several days just to cut your dry time but I usually stop watering 2 days before harvest. By the time I chop them, they're just about ready for another watering. They're not going to be heavier because you watered the day before and lights on or off won't change that. Also, because you've stopped feeding them nutes a week or so before and you're already flushing, your last watering isn't going to give them that last bit of nutrition either.


Well-Known Member
If it did make them heavier it would be water weight, which is kind of pointless considering the next step in the process is cut and dry.